ISIS Orders Government Workers To Stop Feeding Christians In Mosul…

ISIS also threatens to charge anyone caught giving rations to
Christians and Shiites according to Sharia law.

(AINA) — ISIS has ordered government workers to stop giving
rations to Christians and Shiites in Mosul, according to a report by
Younes Thonon for The official in charge of distributing
rations in the Rifaq neighborhood said he had received orders from
ISIS to cut the rations.

Mr. Fadel Younis, the official in charge for the Kifaat
neighborhood, said that he had received a similar order and a threat
from ISIS, and was warned that if he gives rations to Christians and
Shiites he will be charged and prosecuted according to sharia law.

The Ministry of Commerce had recently decided to give citizens
three ration items, including flour, for the month of July.

ZIP | July 15, 2014 6:51 pm

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