Malaysia MH17 crash: 10 questions Russia wants Ukraine to answer

Published time: July 18, 2014 20:59 

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Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov (A still image from RT video) 
<>  ….

in the MH17 crash having no evidence to back their claims, Russia’s Deputy 
Defense Minister told RT. He invited Ukraine to answer 10 questions to prove 
their commitment to an impartial probe.

Speaking to RT, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov has criticized 
Western countries for jumping to conclusions just “24 hours after the crash” 
while there is no evidence. 

“They try to show to the whole world that we are responsible for the crash. It 
is very strange that without any evidence my colleagues from western media 
would like to find somebody who is responsible for the crash,” Antonov said. 
“It seems to me that this is part of information warfare which has been started 
against the Russian Federation and armed forces.” 

READ MORE: Unverified tape released by Kiev presented as ‘proof’ E. Ukraine 
militia downed MH17 <>  

Instead of using the incident as the pretext for groundlessly blaming one of 
the sides, the catastrophe over Ukrainian sky should be used as a possibility 
to restart cooperation to “prevent such tragedies in the future.” 

“As for me, I don’t want to use this opportunity to blame anybody. I would just 
like to raise few questions for my colleagues from the armed forces of 
Ukraine,” Antonov said. “I hope they try to answer the questions, it will be a 
good opportunity for us to realize where we are, whether there is a possibility 
for us to restart cooperation and to find who is really responsible for the 

“Answers for these questions could help us find an opportunity to prevent such 
tragedies in the future,” the Deputy Defense Minister said. 

A picture taken on July 17, 2014 shows the wreckages of the malaysian airliner 
carrying 295 people from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur after it crashed, near the 
town of Shaktarsk. (AFP Photo / Dominique Faget)


1. Immediately after the tragedy, the Ukrainian authorities, naturally, blamed 
it on the self-defense forces. What are these accusations 
<>  based on? 

2. Can Kiev explain in detail how it uses Buk missile launchers 
<>  in the conflict 
zone? And why were these systems deployed 
<>  there in the first 
place, seeing as the self-defense forces don’t have any planes? 

3. Why are the Ukrainian authorities not doing anything to set up an 
international commission <> 
? When will such a commission begin its work? 

4. Would the Ukrainian Armed Forces be willing to let international 
investigators see the inventory of their air-to-air and surface-to-air 
missiles, including those used in SAM launchers? 

5. Will the international commission have access to tracking data from reliable 
sources regarding the movements of Ukrainian warplanes on the day of the 

6. Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers allow the plane to deviate from 
the regular route <> 
 to the north, towards “the anti-terrorist operation zone”? 

7. Why was airspace over the warzone not closed for civilian flights 
<> , especially since 
the area was not entirely covered by radar navigation systems? 

8. How can official Kiev comment on reports in the social media, allegedly by a 
Spanish air traffic controller who works in Ukraine, that there were two 
Ukrainian military planes flying alongside the Boeing 777 over Ukrainian 

9. Why did Ukraine’s Security Service start working with the recordings of 
communications between Ukrainian air traffic controllers and the Boeing crew 
and with the data storage systems from Ukrainian radars without waiting for 
international investigators? 

10. What lessons has Ukraine learned from a similar incident 
<>  in 2001, when a 
Russian Tu-154 crashed into the Black Sea? Back then, the Ukrainian authorities 
denied any involvement on the part of Ukraine’s Armed Forces until irrefutable 
evidence proved official Kiev to be guilty.

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