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Moscow Hosts Summit as Gazprom Warns Ukraine on Gas Cut: Energy

By Jake Rudnitsky and Elena Mazneva - May 15, 2014 

A two-day meeting designed to improve global energy security 
<>  started in Moscow today just as 
Russia <>  threatens to halt natural gas 
shipments to Ukraine, risking disruption to European supplies. 

At least 18 ministers from countries including Saudi Arabia 
<> , Iraq 
<>  and Turkey 
<>  are attending the International Energy 
Forum’s conference. They meet days after an ultimatum to Ukraine raised 
questions about Russia’s reliability as a supplier. The U.K. delegation 
declined to attend to protest Russia’s role in Ukraine, IEF Secretary-General 
Aldo Flores-Quiroga said today. 

“The IEF remains ready to facilitate producer-consumer dialogue regardless of 
circumstances,” Flores-Quiroga said. 

OAO Gazprom (OGZD) <> , Russia’s 
state-run gas exporter, threatened to halt June supplies without advance 
payment after Kiev fell behind on payments for Russian shipments. Ukraine is a 
key transit route for EU gas, with about 15 percent of the region’s fuel 
passing through the country’s pipelines. Russia’s stance has sent oil prices 
<>  higher amid calls from European 
politicians to develop more diversified energy sources. 

“European leaders are clearly concerned by Russia’s willingness to use gas 
supplies as a political lever,” said Richard Mallinson, an analyst at Energy 
Aspects Ltd. in London <> . 

Even before Russia’s threatened action, energy ministers from the Group of 
Seven nations said earlier this month they would try to diversify energy 
supplies in response to Ukraine. Yet such measures are seen as a last resort 
because the cost of bringing in supplies from around the globe could 
potentially double the price of natural gas in Europe 
<> . 

Energy Outflows 

“Russia is far too big for anybody else to make up for a significant loss of 
Russian energy outflows,” David Wech <> 
, managing director of JBC Energy GmbH in Vienna, said by e-mail. 

While the most obvious impact of the Ukraine crisis on energy security has been 
in the gas market, concern the situation will escalate into outright conflict 
between Russia and its neighbor has added $3 to $5 a barrel to the price of 
oil, said Mike Wittner <> , the head 
of oil market research at Societe Generale SA. 

Benchmark Brent crude oil traded at about $110 a barrel today, after falling to 
as little as $103.95 on April 2. 

Gazprom is demanding prepayment for $1.7 billion of supplies in June, which it 
says was triggered by $3.5 billion in overdue payments for fuel delivered in 
2013 and through April. Ukraine’s state oil and gas company NAK Naftogaz 
Ukrainy doesn’t recognize the full debt. 

June Payment 

“You need to pay for energy supplies,” Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev 
<>  said today at the forum. “I 
hope all countries and consumers understand that, including those in attendance 
and those that are not here for various reasons, including Ukraine.” 

Russia says it’s justified in threatening to stop Ukrainian shipments because 
lack of payment breaches the terms of Gazprom’s supply contract. 

“Russia has always fulfilled its commitments for energy deliveries,” Energy 
Minister Alexander Novak said yesterday. “We are ready to provide security of 
supply as a reliable partner. We have always showed that and are ready to 
continue to work like that.” 

The Riyadh-based IEF has 75 member countries that account for 90 percent of 
global supply and demand for oil and gas. It brings together members of the 
International Energy Agency 
<> , which represents 
industrialized countries, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and 
major economies outside those groups including Russia and China. 

Avoiding Moscow 

European energy ministers have chosen to avoid traveling to Moscow and are 
holding a separate meeting in Athens <>  
this week. 

While the fallout from Ukraine is likely to dominate private discussions, the 
public agenda of this week’s IEF meeting addresses broader themes including the 
impact of shale fields on global energy markets, how to move to a low-carbon 
economy and the outlook for demand. 

The IEF also will introduce JODI Gas, or the Joint Organizations Data 
Initiative, a project intended to help bring transparency to the international 
gas market. 

The project, which is supervised by the IEF and compiles data provided by 
member governments, is important because it helps the market become more 
predictable in the face of unexpected outages, Energy Aspects’ Mallinson said. 

(An earlier version of this story was corrected to say IEA executive director 
Maria van der Hoeven isn’t attending IEF conference.) 

To contact the reporters on this story: Jake Rudnitsky in Moscow at <> ; Elena Mazneva in 
Moscow at <>  

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Will Kennedy 
<>  at 
<> ; Rachel Graham at 
<> ; Alaric Nightingale at <>  Torrey Clark, 
Alaric Nightingale 



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