Dear friends,

As you know, Serbia and Republic of Srpska are devastated by the floods that 
happen  this week. The needs are huge. People on the ground are saving people 
out of the houses that are filled with water and mud, delivering water, food, 
blankets and dry clothes. Many people will be left without homes and everything 
they had. Many lives are lost.


Ras- The International Serbian organization, The Tesla Science Foundation and 
the Board of the 200 years of Serbs in America are teaming up to  collect funds 
for helping people that are the most affected by the flood. RAS-The 
International Serbian Organization  is the only Non Profit Humanitarian 
organization out of these three, and this is why all of the collections will be 
run through it.

Please donate, as little or as much as you can, donate only $10 if that's what 
you can afford, but please help.

Your donations are tax deductible, and they will be donated for the right 
purposes, given to the right people, we will follow up with it to the very end. 
We will provide the proof and all of the necessary receipts.

Everyone who would like to help us is more then welcome. Please share this far 
and wide.

We are hoping that many Serbian Organizations in USA all around the world will 
join us and help. 

Two ways you can donate:

Paypal: <> 

Send your check to:

RAS - The International Serbian Organization
P.O. Box 31122
Bethesda, MD 20824

Zvezdana Stojanovic Scott

in the name of: <> <> <> 

For questions, please send your email to

r <> 

or <> 



Dragi prijatelji,

Teslina Naucna Fondacija i organizacija obelezavanja 200 godina Srba u Americi,
u saradnji sa humanitarnom neprofitnom organizacijom RAS-Medjunarodna Srpska 
Organizacija iz Vasingtona (Ras-The International Serbian Organization) pokrece 
veliku humanitarnu akciju sakupljanja sredstava za pomoc Srbima u matici, u 
Republici Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj.
Akcija pocinje danas, 17. Maja, i trajace dok god ima potreba. Sva prikupljena 
sredstva ce ici za konkretne potrebe, i ici ce tamo gde su namenjena. Sve 
donacije matici bice propracene priznanicama i po mogucstvu fotografijama sa 
terena. Svako ko zeli da se ukljuci u pomoc i organizaciju ove akcije je 

U nadi da ce nam se sto vise srpskih organizacija u dijaspori pridruziti u 
prikupljanju sredstava, a kasnije i medicinske pomoci, u lekovima, higijenskim 
proizvodima i slicno, apelujemo na saradnju i u ujedinjavanje u ovim teskim 
Teslina Naucna Fondacija nije registrovana za humanitarne akcije, pa ce 
Medjunarodna Organizacija RAS prikupljati u ime organizacionog odbora Tesline 
Fondacije, i u ime odbora za obelezavanja 200 godina Srba u Americi.

Donacije sa naznakom (za pomoc/poplave) se mogu slati na dva nacina:

-PayPal-om na 

-Cekom na:

RAS - The International Serbian Organization
P.O. Box 31122
Bethesda, MD 20824

Sve Vase donacije ce biti oslobodjene poreza. 

Hvala svim ljudima dobre volje,

Zvezdana Stojanovic Scott

u ime odbora organizacija: <> <> <> 

za sva pitanja, posaljite email na 

<>  ili <> 





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