Thanksgiving Eve

That Thanksgivings Be Made for Kings

Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus
Christ! Amen. Tonight’s Epistle calls to all Christians,

I urge that supplications, prayers, intercession and thanksgivings be made
for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may
live a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

Dear Christian friends:

If I had to make a bet that would almost certainly pay out for me, I would
bet that you feel discontented with the government. It is possible that you
think the government does not do enough for you, but more likely that you
resent what the government does for people who are not you, using your
money in order to do it.

Our government is not always noble, despite its preoccupations with looking
that way. Abortion and same-sex marriage show that the government can make
lawlessness appear to be lawful, in some twisted sense of the term.
Congress so continually needs to push up the debt ceiling that we should
not feel surprised if our descendants grow up speaking Chinese. All three
branches of our government seem to have lost respect for the balance of
power they were once created to uphold.

None of this seems praiseworthy, but praise for the government is a lost
art, anyway. It is more fashionable to badmouth the government. Everyone
thinks he can do a better job than the person elected to do the job.
Everything wrong in our nation is the fault of whatever political party I
do not support. No one ever boasts about voting for the person who got
elected. We will only boast—and advertise it with bumper stickers—when we
did NOT vote for so-and-so. “Don’t blame me!” It is also a cultural
expectation that we each pay absolutely as little tax as possible. We
probably should not say we are overtaxed, considering the way the other
nations of the world do things. Taxation, like the church offering, simply
interferes with our entertainment budget. In the United States, a dismal
attitude toward government compares to a spoiled child’s attitude toward
his parents. Luther might have had it right: “We want to be nothing but
wicked scoundrels,” he said, “and nevertheless receive nothing but good
from God” (AE 46, 118).

The Scriptures teach us to believe that a large portion of the good we
receive from God comes through the government that God has given. Daily
bread includes all that we need to support this body and life. Our
government routinely ensures that we keep far more than we actually need.
Perhaps this indicates goodness of our government, that we all own stuff
simply for the sake of owning it and with no intention actually to use it.

Tonight’s Epistle offers an alternative to our stinginess and our

I urge that supplications, prayers, intercession and thanksgivings be made
for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may
live a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

We should not become confused by these Words, or by the fact that our
government has been established by God (Romans 13). The government does NOT
need our blind cooperation any more than it needs our contempt. Like all
our neighbors, the government needs

·        our open confession of the Christian faith. I am not saying that
we should have a Christian government. I am saying that we should have
Christian voices speaking to and within our government. We should be
speaking sanity to our increasingly insane culture. Without the Christian
faith, there is little or no defense against abortion, homosexuality, and
other abhorrent things. Without the Christian faith, we have nothing of
value to give our children, except for consumer goods, which both moth and
rust will inevitably destroy. Without the Christian faith, we have nothing
but darkness in our land; WITH the Christian faith confessed openly and
freely, the Light of Christ shall continue to shine in the darkness—and the
darkness shall not overcome it (John 1:5).

·        NOT our violent rebellion, but our pious insubordination in the
face evil and our clear, unmistakable defiance when the government opens
the door for us to do those things that God forbids. Historians have noted
that more than one Christian in Germany looked the other way while Hitler
did unspeakable things in the name of the state. Those Christians later
felt the weight and terror of regret. How will things be for us when the
cup of lawlessness finally spills over and we choose to swim in the mess?

·        us to look a little further than our own fence lines, so to speak.
We Christians have been given the forgiveness of sins, the hope of eternal
life and the certainty of the resurrection. We are the last people who need
to worry what shall happen—ever. “Take they our life, goods, fame, child
and wife. Though these all be gone, our victory has been won!” (LSB 656.3).
Stated another way, the certainty of your resurrection from the dead
through Christ Jesus makes it possible for you and for me to be better and
nobler citizens than anyone else in the world!

·        all that money we pay each tax year. It is not necessary for us to
offer everything we own, above and beyond what we are required to pay, but
it is not necessary to grumble, either. Each time you read your pay stub,
each time you send your quarterly, each time you hike up to the Morgan
County courthouse, try thanking God instead of cursing your neighbor. Sing
a hymn of praise to the Lord Most High! After all, you actually own
something that is worthy of taxation!

·        our prayers; our supplications; our intercessions. Thus the Word
of God:

I urge that supplications, prayers, intercession and thanksgivings be made
for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may
live a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

Why does our government need prayer and intercession from us? Because we
Christians have been given the single greatest power in the universe—and we
have been given this power both for our own sake and for the sake of our
neighbor. I am speaking about the power of the Divine Word, as it is
written concerning all the baptized of Christ, “*The Word is near to you*,
[it is] *in your mouth and* [it is] *in your heart*” (Romans 10:8).

·        You are not merely a bucket or a tin can. Stated another way, you
have not been given God’s all-powerful Word merely for the sake of others.
God’s Word has been given to you FOR YOU. Among all your possessions, there
is nothing more valuable than this Word. By the Word, your sins are washed
away from your conscience and mind. By the Word, your failing body looks
forward to a far better day. By the Word, the Lord your God miraculously
keeps you firm in the one true faith to life everlasting—even when
everything around you crumbles.

·        This same Word charts the course of human history. We know this
because it has been written concerning our God, “*He upholds the universe
by the Word of His power*” Hebrews 1:3). Again, “*I sustain with a Word the
one who is weary*” (Isaiah 50:4). Yet again, “*The nations rage, the
kingdoms totter; the Lord utters His voice, and the earth melts*” (Psalm

This history-shaping, government-sustaining, earth-shattering Word is the
very same Word that has been placed “*in your mouth and in your heart*”
(Romans 10:8). God Himself has placed His Word within you, so that you may
have power to do for your government what no unbeliever in our nation will
ever do:

that supplications, prayers, intercession and thanksgivings be made for all
people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may live a
peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

The pay-off for your prayer and supplication is not merely eternal. The
pay-off is here and now, been made possible by the government. Despite its
continual waste of money and life; despite any skullduggery and abuses of
power; despite even its growing hatred toward our Christian faith, we still
have this: The Lord our God continues to use our government as an umbrella
and shield for us, that we Christians may in this moment “*live a peaceful
and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way*.” For this we pray our
heartfelt thanks.
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