The Feast of the Holy Trinity 
Male and Female He Created Them 
Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! 
Amen. God says in today’s Old Testament, “male and female He created them.” 
Dear Christian friends, 
What is evolution? Evolution is a human attempt to defy God, ignore God, mock 
God, and rub the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit out of the picture. Evolution 
wants to explain how the world came to be. It almost does not matter how 
explanation goes, so long as that explanation does not include Father, Son and 
Holy Spirit. 
Evolution has given us Christians a great gift. Evolution has made today’s Old 
Testament more important for us. ALL the Words in ALL God’s Scriptures are 
important for us. We sometimes cannot see the importance of this or that Bible 
passage until life throws a certain amount of garbage at us. Here are two quick 
examples of what I mean: 
•       Psalm 51 earnestly prays for the forgiveness of sins. Psalm 51 is 
important for every Christian. However, Psalm 51 will feel more important 
personally to you if your conscience nags at you, or if you feel burdened by 
some terrible thing that has happened. In a certain sense, sin makes Psalm 51 
more important. 
•       In John chapter 11, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. John 11 is 
important for every Christian to hear and believe. John 11 becomes sweeter for 
you after your loved one has died. Death makes John 11 more important. 
Evolution is a godless theory that ends only in misery. Even the stink of 
evolution is dangerous to your health. Evolution is also a gift for every 
Christian because it makes today’s Old Testament, Genesis 1, more important. 
Genesis 1 speaks what we believe, in defiance of evolution: “In the beginning, 
God created the heavens and the earth” (v. 1). “God said… and there was” (v. 
3). “God saw everything that He had made, and it was very good” (31). 
Evolution is old news. Another Philistine giant has recently entered the 
battlefield, so to speak. The Philistine demands that we accept his terms or 
die. The Philistine is named Same-Sex Union. What are same-sex unions? Same-sex 
unions are a human attempt to defy God, ignore God, mock God and rub the 
Father, Son and Holy Spirit out of the picture. Same-sex unions are ancient 
depravities with new justifications. 
Like evolution, same-sex unions also give us a great gift by making today’s Old 
Testament, more vitally important than ever before. “Male and female He created 
them.” These Words appear to sleep quietly on the page, easily overlooked by 
those who take it for granted that men marry women and women marry men. 
Same-sex unions rouse and waken these Words of God: “Male and female He created 
them.” These Words are a sword. These Words will rise to our defense. This 
single sentence from God is more than able to meet any Philistine challenge 
because we can take God’s Words to the grave. 
What has God given to us in the Words, “male and female He created them”? 
•       First, these Words speak the good news that gender is not a mistake. 
Gender is a work of God. If you are female, sing praise to Father, Son and Holy 
Spirit! If you are male, bow your head in thankful adoration! God has chosen 
who you are. God has knit you together in your mother’s womb; you are fearfully 
and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-14). 
Of course, many people will protest this. They will point to certain birth 
defects that throw gender into question. They will also suggest that a person 
can also have the body of one gender but the mind of another gender, and 
therefore changes must be made. We can only answer that this is the stuff of 
the sin imbedded in our bodies and souls; the result of being death-filled 
people who stagger through a death-filled world. That is not the way God 
creates. God continues to create in the manner that He has always created: 
“male and female He created them.” 
•       Second, with the Words, “male and female He created them,” God places 
into order all the relationships you have in life. Marriage is the first human 
relationship of the creation, the foundation relationship of all human history. 
This does not mean that all people marry. It means that all human relationships 
proceed from marriage. What is the parent-child relationship? It is the produce 
of marriage. From where does all earthly authority come—teachers and governor 
and everything else? All authority on earth derives from the parent-child 
relationship, the result of marriage. What are common, everyday friends? It 
could be said that friendships give you certain help that is difficult to get 
from marriage, now that we have all crashed our way so hopelessly into sin. As 
I jokingly said during Wednesday Bible Study, why do men commiserate with other 
men? Because they do not understand their women—and vice versa. Every human 
relationship flows out of
 the fountain of marriage. Every pious connection we have with each other 
begins in these Words, “male and female He created them.” 
•       Third, the Words, “male and female He created them,” give us a 
photograph of the Trinity—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—the God who loves us and 
created us. Stated another way, male and female together depict the image of 
God for us. Why do I say that male and female together depict the image of God? 
Because there was something in God’s creation that God saw was not yet good. 
You heard in today’s Old Testament, Genesis 1, “God saw everything that He had 
made, and behold, it was very good.” But Genesis chapter 2 gives us a little 
more detail about what was good and what was not: “The Lord God said, ‘It is 
not good that the man should be alone’” (Genesis 2:18). It is not good that the 
man should be alone because, by himself, the man cannot depict the image of 
God. “God is love” (1 John 4:8). God loves His creation. God is devoted to His 
creation. The man cannot depict the image of God until the man has whom he may 
love; one to
 whom he may be devoted, someone to whom he may give all that he has and all 
that he is. 
So God created man in His own image, 
in the image of God He created him; 
male and female He created them. 
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his 
wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5). 
Same-sex unions do more than violate God’s command (Exodus 20:14, 1 Timothy 
1:10). Same-sex unions twist and warp and shatter the image of God that 
creation’s marriage depicts for us. A male in union with a male depicts a 
self-infatuated god, a god who loves himself more than he could ever love 
something other. A female in union with a female depicts a creation that wants 
nothing to do with the Creator; a creation that wants very much to take the 
Creator out of the picture (very similar to the desire and goal of evolution). 
All of this ends only in lifeless misery. Same-sex unions stomp upon the little 
seeds of salvation that God has planted in these Words, “male and female He 
created them.” 
•       Salvation is a fourth blessing and gift God gives us in the Words, 
“male and female He created them.” How greatly we each need God’s gift of 
salvation! Marriage can be a difficult topic. Many regrets and sorrows have 
come into our lives as a result of abused or neglected marriages. We can only 
treat our marriage regrets in the same way that we treat all our other sins: We 
must throw ALL our sins—marriage and otherwise—we must throw ALL our sins upon 
Christ Jesus our Lord. He knows what to do with them. He has already dealt with 
them. Your sins are fully and completely forgiven in the Name of the Father, 
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Now is a good time to say Amen.) 
The good news of Jesus’ forgiveness of your sins can be found even in these 
Words, “male and female He created them.” We should think of these Words as 
being like an uninflated balloon that needs to be inflated before you can see 
its full size and shape. God’s apostle Paul later inflated the balloon for us. 
Paul declared to us how God’s salvation is contained in these Words, “male and 
female He created them.” Paul did this by comparing husband and wife—the first 
relationship in creation—to Christ and His Church. 
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for 
her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water 
with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, 
without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without 
blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. 
He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but 
nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church (Ephesians 5:25-29). 
Cling to these Words. Wrap your arms around today’s Old Testament—“male and 
female He created them”—and hold on for dear life! Life depends upon these 
Words. The Philistine giant named Same-Sex Union will not be going away any 
time soon. He will wreak his damage in our society. He will attack the Church, 
and has already done so. He will destroy those who go to him and he will pierce 
the hearts of their loved ones. Like evolution, Same-Sex Union may eventually 
become old news, but only because another, larger, more grotesque Philistine 
giant will follow after him. (Do not ask me to speak the next giant’s name in 
public because you do not want your children to hear the answer.) None of the 
Philistines are interested in suing for peace. 
What do we have? We have a Word from God the Holy Trinity: “male and female He 
created them.” These Words are God’s sharp two-edged sword. These Words will 
accomplish whatever our God desires. These Words must remain our confession of 
faith, repeated night and day against our aggressors. Even if these Words 
should someday spell our death, they shall not fail to bring us life. 
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