The Signs Pointing You to Jesus
Second Sunday After the Epiphany
The Confession of St. Peter
January 18, 2015
John 2:1–11

In the Gospel reading today Jesus is at a wedding and He turns water
into wine. John says that this was the first of His signs and that the
disciples believed in Him. Jesus didn’t turn water into wine to save
the day at the wedding when the wine ran out. He did this action so
that we may believe in Him.

So how was it that His doing this action led the disciples to believe
in Him? And how is it that His doing this action leads us, who already
believe in Him, to remain firm in our faith in Him and to be
strengthened in that faith? Finally, how is that what He did there at
Cana can lead those who do not believe in Him to believe in Him?

When John tells us how it unfolded that Jesus turned water into wine,
he gives certain signs that the disciples saw, leading them to believe
in Jesus. One sign is that His miraculous action of turning water into
wine occurred at a wedding. The disciples knew that the Savior God
promised to bring would Himself celebrate a wedding. It would be the
wedding of Himself and His bride, His people, the Holy Christian
Church. Jesus accomplishing this miraculous action at a wedding was a
sign that He was that very promised Savior.

Another sign was His replacing the water in the jars that was for
purification with what He brought into being. The promised Savior
would come to do away with the old and bring in the new. The disciples
recognized that Jesus was bringing about a new age where there would
no longer be ceremonial laws necessary for forgiveness but rather the
new things the Savior Himself was bring about.

Yet another sign was His bringing about wine in abundance. Not only
did Jesus create wine, He made choice wine. The Savior promised in the
Old Testament was the one who would yield wine in abundance.

These are signs the disciples readily recognized. In turning water
into wine John says that Jesus manifested His glory and His disciples
believed in Him. It wasn’t that Jesus accomplished something amazing
and so the disciples thought that Jesus must be the one who is the
Savior. It’s that He accomplished a miraculous action in a certain
setting and in a certain way that showed the disciples that He was the
one coming in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the

Those were the signs pointing the disciples to Jesus. What are the
signs pointing you to Him? Jesus manifested His glory in this sign and
they believed in Him. What signs does He do where you believe in Him
and are strengthened in your faith in Him?

When you hear of the wedding at Cana and what Jesus did there and what
happened there, consider what you already know. In the second chapter
of his Gospel account John tells you this story of Jesus at the
wedding of Cana. But as you hear this story you already know the rest
of the story. You already know who Jesus is and why He came. You know
that He followed the changing of water into wine at Cana with a
three-year ministry. You know He closed His ministry in going to the
cross and accomplishing salvation for the world. You know that He
followed that up in rising from His grave. You know that soon after
that He ascended into heaven. You know that as He has done that He
lives and reigns to all eternity.

Knowing everything else Jesus accomplished, there are signs pointing
you to Him. When His mother told Him that the wine had run out He
asked her what concern that was to Him, because, He said, “My hour has
not yet come.” Jesus knew the purpose He came for. He knew His hour
wasn’t yet. He knew that His hour wouldn’t come until He would go to
the cross and accomplish the salvation promised in the Old Testament
that the Savior would bring about. When you see Jesus manifesting His
glory at Cana you see it in light of the greater manifestation of
glory He would bring about at Calvary. You believe in Him not because
you saw the signs at Cana but because you have seen the signs at
Calvary. You believe in Him not because He manifested His glory at a
wedding but because He manifested His glory in His suffering and

You know that since Jesus has accomplished this salvation that you
celebrate in the wedding feast of the Lamb. He is the groom, and you,
the Holy Christian Church, are the Bride. He invites you to celebrate
with Him in His eternal wedding feast. He has not come to make sure
there’s enough wine whenever there’s a wedding and the wine runs out.
Rather, instead of changing water into wine, He takes wine and gives
you in it His blood that was shed on the cross for all of your sins.
He takes bread and gives you in it His body that He offered up on the
cross for your forgiveness.

Wine was prophesied to flow in abundance at the coming of the Savior.
Jesus brought this about. Now that He has accomplished the salvation
He came to bring, His blood flows in abundance. It poured out of His
side at His crucifixion and is poured out for you for your forgiveness
in His Supper, His wedding feast He invites you to.

These are the signs pointing you to Jesus. The Holy Spirit works
through these signs to create faith in you. You believe in Jesus and
in remaining in the signs God gives you you are strengthened in faith.
As John says at the end of his Gospel account, you have life in the
name of Jesus. What does this life consist of?

Your life first is of being in those means of grace your Lord gives
you to strengthen you. It is then lived out in service. You serve
others in how you live, in being humble, in loving others. These
become signs, then, for others who do not believe. They are not going
to see how Jesus changing water into wine at a wedding shows that He
is the Savior of the world. But they will see you and how you live.
They will be the recipients of your love and serving them. You will be
a sign to them pointing them to Jesus. You have the opportunity to
point them to the Savior who has paid for all of their sins. You have
the opportunity to show them something they otherwise might not be
able to see.

This is why God works through signs. They point us to His Son. They
point us to the salvation He accomplished in fulfillment of the
promises in the Old Testament. Now that we have the New Testament we
can see that Jesus has done everything we need for our salvation. This
is what the disciples had come to see. After Jesus rose from the dead
they saw what you see. They saw the signs of His suffering, death, and
resurrection. They saw the signs that God points people to Jesus
through the Gospel that is proclaimed and the Sacraments He gives. In
the Church these are the signs we continue to be strengthened in.

They also become signs for those who do not believe, because in the
Gospel and in the Sacraments Jesus is proclaimed to the world. These
are the actions He does which manifest His glory so that people may
believe in Him. After the disciples saw fully the glory of Jesus in
His suffering, death, and resurrection, they spoke of it. They made
known this glory. They did it so that people would believe. They did
it because this glory Jesus manifested is His grace, His mercy, and
His eternal salvation. Amen.


Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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