There are three different mailets that seem to do basically the same thing which is put mail in a folder.  The folder is different and consume is different.  ToRecipientFolder and LocalDelivery build a mail dispatcher, but ToSenderFolder does not.  And all of them hardcode the folder or get it from an init parm.

I have rules engine mailet that determines the target folder for an email and sets a header with the folder name.  In my old implementation I cloned one of the folder mailets (can't remember which one) and stored the email based on the target folder header.   I'm now getting periodic errors that folders can't be accessed due to being read-only.  I know the right solution is to dump what I have and update to use the current code.  However, I have three implementation mailets to choose from.  Why do some use mailDispatcher?  Does inbound require a dispatcher and outbound doesn't?  And more importantly, if I use the mail dispatcher impl, am I going to hit problems if I change the folder per each email based on the target folder header?  Or should I just recreate the mail dispatcher instance on each email?


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