2009/2/18 Martin Langhoff <martin.langh...@gmail.com>:
> the original plan was to rig all that from the anti-theft proto. On
> the server side, there's a lot of work to do to make that happen. On
> the laptop side, it's unclear. For many months my emails to cscott on
> the matter went unanswered, I reviewed the code with mstone last Dec
> and it appeared to be lacking important bits.

Which bits did you think were missing? I discussed this with Michael
the other day and concluded that no XO-side changes were needed, but I
might have missed something. We just need something on the XS side
which implements the version-checking part of the antitheft protocol.

> No. If you find a usable path down that way, _fantastic_ and I'll be
> happy to merge it in.

Michael seems keen on working with us on developing this into an XS
feature. I am not sure when I'll have time to attack this head-on but
it's definitely something that I'll be working on.

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