xsce distinguishes between hostname (schoolserver) and domain name (defaults to 
.lan).  You can change the second of these no problem in the console.  You can 
override the first in local_vars, but if you do XOs won't automatically find 
the schoolserver.  (I have a machine that I named xsce.lan, which works fine.) 
The expectation is that if you need multiple schoolservers or need to add to an 
existing network that you will do it by changing the domain name, so only that 
is exposed in the console.


From: xsce-de...@googlegroups.com [mailto:xsce-de...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Anish Mangal
Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2015 2:44 AM
To: xsce-devel <xsce-de...@googlegroups.com>; server-devel 
Cc: arvind thanvi <artha...@gmail.com>
Subject: [XSCE] Changing the XSCE's hostname (or the address one enters in the 



What would be a method to change the XSCE's hostname post an initial install 
from schoolserver.lan to something else. 

The web-admin console does not allow changing this, so I am guessing it will 
break a few things if I force the issue. What would be a way around this..

1) Either change the hostname


2) Redirect to schoolserver.lan upon entering <my-preferred-addr> in the 

1) would be preferred and 2) a backup.

Thoughts on how to best do this?



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