Martin is basically right that you are trying to use the internet to install the internet. yum can't get the rpms because it has no internet access.

this might help figure out the actual rpms needed. it lists some of the rpms required and one gotcha where the usb device can look like a thumb drive as well as a modem.

you don't say whose 3G device it is.  does it come with any drivers?

once you have the rpms identified, download them using a machine in a location that has internet connection, copy them onto a usb drive, and copy them onto the XS. you can install them from the XS's drive.

If you have 3G access, you could try an Android phone and its local wifi hotspot. Perhaps an XO could access the internet with that.

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 22:27:25 -0400
From: Shaun Pickford <>
Cc: Katie Doran <>, Richard Souvenir
Subject: [Server-devel] WvDial, Networking Issues in XS 0.6/0.7
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

OLPC Community,

Building off of the previous email I sent this morning, I want to present
our situation to you very briefly and see if anyone can provide some
guidance. We have a team in Haiti and some of us behind in the States. Our
team in Haiti is coming back on Monday, and would really like to set up an
XS and get it running and sharing an internet connection before they leave.
We have a FitPC with XS 0.7 and a 3G card that is used for internet
connected via USB. The goal is to share that internet connection over a
wireless network that XOs and other laptops can connect to. We've
identified that we need wvdial to do this (unless someone can point us in
the direction of something else that is on the XS 0.7 build, as it doesn't
appear our internet is working). In the email I sent this morning, we
mentioned that when we do a yum install for wvdial, we get an error that it
could not resolve the host. We've done pretty extensive searching on this,
and it appears that the computer is simply not connecting to the internet
(or at least that's what I think is the issue...I could be wrong). I set up
a Virtual Machine on my computer (I'm in the states) and installed XS 0.6
on the VM. There were no connectivity issues with the internet, and when I
ran a yum installer for wvdial, it performed an update to Fedora, then told
me that wvdial was already installed. I also setup a VM with XS 0.7
(matching the environment of the FitPC in Haiti), and experienced the exact same issues with no Internet connectivity and no ability to perform the yum
install of wvdial (same error message). I worked with the 0.7 VM for hours
today (important to note I'm very new to Linux), but to no avail. It's
interesting that the 0.6 VM had no issues whatsoever.
Ultimately, my question there something we're missing on 0.7 that
we need to make everything work? We've gone through the setup and
configuration outlined in the XS documentation, and all we're trying to do
is a simple yum install of wvdial. Another question is, do we need wvdial
for what we want to do? Or is there something else we can use? Should we
just wipe the FitPC and install XS 0.6, based on the success we had with
the Virtual Machine?

Thanks in advance, and I appreciate timely repsonses by anyone, as the team
is coming back to the states on Monday.
Shaun Pickford
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