On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:03 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan
<srid...@laptop.org.au> wrote:
> Here's a scenario:
>  1. child's XO stuffs up
>  2. XO's OS is re-flashed
>  3. XO is registered again against the XS
>  4. XO has its backups restored from the XS
>  5. collaboration, classroom segregation, etc. work as before

That just works as long as the mobo (sn/uuid) stays the same.

> Alternatively, what if the XO is broken and replaced instead of just
> re-imaged? Can the child get back onto the network and pick up from
> where they left off?

Also works but child will need help from teacher (actually, a user
with "course creator" privileges) to "connect" his old account to the
new one.

So second scenario looks like

  1. child's XO stuffs up
  2. XO's hw is replaced (different sn/uuid)
  3. XO is registered again against the XS
  3.1 course-creator "connects" the accounts
  4. XO has its backups restored from the XS
  5. collaboration, classroom segregation, etc. work as before

I wonder who architected this gem... ;-)


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