Caryl writes:
> FYI... my granddaughter's algebra teacher at a private school in TX is
now using the KA videos
> as a supplement for her Algebra class. I don't know if she got the idea
because I suggested
> it to my gd or if it happened some other way. My gd has agreed to take
notes about how the
> videos are being used and what she thinks about them.  Good to get a
student perspective.

That would be great.  Likewise to get that perspective from an XO class
using the videos.


On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Samuel Klein <> wrote:

> Quick thoughts on this:
> OLPCA are in touch with KA about getting permission to distribute their
> [NC-SA] videos to deployments, particularly in cases where we are building
> their servers or laptop images for them.  This looks promising, and should
> be resolved by the time any related projects or tools are finished.
> Among the larger deployments it would be good to hear from here are Ceibal
> and OLPC Oceania, both having expressed an interest in making KA videos
> more widely available to their students.
> From a usability standpoint, anyone using KA videos across a school or
> school system who has written about the experience would make an excellent
> point of reference.  I will see if we can get in touch with someone who the
> Khan staff look to as a model.
> SJ
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Samuel Klein <> wrote:
>> Let me split off a thread specifically about how we can proceed to make
>> KA videos available to every school.
>> I have start a project page for an OLPC-KhanAcademy bridge, summarizing
>> the existing KA projects that I know of.
>> Please add yoruself to the list of interested people on that page if you
>> want to help out, or are already using KA videos in your schools.
>> Among the things this project could use:
>> * A Linux port of the offline Khan Academy Web app (someone has already
>> made a Windows version, complete with scripts that let you choose what
>> subsets of videos you'd like to download).
>> * A new XS build that includes a basic set of videos, or at least an
>> installed version of this tool.
>> * A translation coordinator to help synch up subtitling and dubbing
>> efforts, most of which are currently scattered.

Samuel Klein           w:user:sj          +1 617 529
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