Thanks all who can send us screenshots from any smartphones you have lying
around, to test this very important new functionality, as explained in
http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #32 !

When installed on Raspbian, Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) offers a Captive
Portal since IIAB 6.7, so new users don't have to type in URL's (like
http://box, http://box.lan or into their browser.
This is similar to pages that appear automatically when you connect to
Wi-Fi in airports/hotels/restaurants. This helps provide immediate access
to those who have trouble typing in URL's, or live in countries that do not
use Latin-based languages in their URL's...

*If you face Captive Portal issues, please send us screenshots (or photos
of any error messages!) by clicking "New issue" in the top-right
<>— don't forget to include the
make/model of your client device along with the specific version of its OS!*

( All you need to do to test...use Internet-in-a-Box's 1-line installer on
Raspberry Pi 3 or 3 B + to install a MEDIUM-sized or BIG-sized
Internet-in-a-Box from )

PS a Release Candidate for Internet-in-a-Box 6.7 is expected within about a
week, possibly earlier!  (Several schools in Haiti/etc are hoping to use
this in February.)
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