I have been researching why it is taking over a half hour for mysql to start up each time I have to reboot my server. One post on a forum said to check c:\Windows\temp. Apparently, if it gets a bunch of files in it, then mysql startup slows to a crawl. Ok... I checked that temp folder. Found over 1,000,000 (not exaggerating.... over 1 million!) spamassassin temp files. The files were named ".spamassassin<hex-hash-string>tmp" plus nearly a million more "imap<long-numeric-string>.msg" files. (Just my opinion... but nearly 2 million files probably qualifies as 'a bunch' as stated in the mysql forum....) It's taking over an hour just to erase the 2M files....

I installed this entire server image clean a little over a year ago. I am running James 3 beta 5. I do have spamassassin installed, I'm running every email through it. I have no doubt that I have had several million emails run through spamassassin over the past year. I'm just curious what it causing it not to clean up after itself. Is there some configuration item I've inadvertently set that's telling SpamAssassin to leave droppings behind? I don't know if the imap files are related to spamassassin or not. But the imap prefix pretty much means it has something to do with my James 3 configuration.

At this point, I know the simplest fix is to run a daily chron job to clean the temp folder, now that I know what is happening. But I can't believe this is working as designed. Do I have a more serious problem with spamassassin and/or James that this is a symptom of?



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