Hello Felix,

On 12/12/2021 04:47, Felix Ingram wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to create a custom server assembly. I've started by trying to
> recreate the distributed app from here:
> james-project/CassandraRabbitMQJamesServerMain.java
> at master ยท apache/james-project (github.com)
> <https://github.com/apache/james-project/blob/master/server/apps/distributed-app/src/main/java/org/apache/james/CassandraRabbitMQJamesServerMain.java>
> This compiles  okay but I get an error about a bad request to ElasticSearch
> when trying to start up the metrics.
> I can get rid of this by removing the ElasticSearchMetricReporterModule
> from the build but then the server just hangs while loading its config.

This should have no impact on the startup.

>  The
> final line in the logs is:
> 21:35:48.208 [INFO ] o.a.j.CONFIGURATION - Load configuration file
> /root/conf/webadmin.properties
> Otherwise there's no clues as to what it's doing. I'm running it under
> docker-compose using the compose file from the server/apps/distributed-app
> directory. There are a couple of errors about connecting to Cassandra but
> these are just while the server boots - once Cassandra starts it seems okay.

you can play with logback.xml to setup the logging level.

But I suspect you have another failure somewhere aborting / hanging the

> Is there a way to increase the logging or some other way to find out
> what's happening?
Setting up a custom assembly server is an advanced topic. While I can
answer a few question on this ML on a pretty informal way, I can provide
support if you need to.
> Thanks in advance,
> Felix

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