Only minutes after I sent this I found the solution. The location is
relative to the james install directory, not absolute. So /var/mail/james
is actually /usr/local/james/var/mail/james

On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 7:20 AM, Craig Cudmore <> wrote:

> Can someone confirm how the ToRepository mailet should be functioning in
> 3.0.1?
> I have the following in mailetcontainer.xml
>        <mailet match="All" class="ToRepository">
>           <repositoryPath>file://var/mail/james</repositoryPath>
>           <passThrough>true</passThrough>
>        </mailet>
> The log shows:
> DEBUG 22:42:32,395 | james.mailetcontext | Entering mailet: ToRepository
> Mailet
>         mail state root
> INFO  22:42:32,395 | james.mailetcontext | Storing mail
> Mail1519011751172-ced03bba-4fc9-4646-8d62-7f2cec95110f in
> file://var/mail/james
> DEBUG 22:42:32,401 | james.mailetcontext | End of mailet: ToRepository
> Mailet
> However /var/mail/james is empty after the call.
> Anyone with any thoughts?

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