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23 December 1998


Dear Friends,

As you prepare to partake of the season's joys, we also bring to you our
greetings.  This time the greeting comes from our Cyberspace Graveyard for
Disppeared Persons with "A True Blessing."  

Those of you who have participated in our acvities including the Urgent
Appeals Network may have the added happiness to know that, at least, a few
persons are at liberty due to your interventions.  Let us look forward for
next year to DO MORE and BE MORE.

A True Blessing

This blessing comes
from the Cyberspace Graveyard
for the disappeared persons
We who received no justice
Wish for you
a world filled with justice
We who were taken blind folded
wish the road rise to meet you
the deprived of the warmth
Wish the wind be always at your back
and sunshine warm upon your face
from the earth wet with our blood
We bless
the rain fall soft upon your field
We the rejected and forgotten pray
May the God hold you in the palm of his hand

Thank you.

The Asian Human Rights Commission

* Visit Cyberspace Graveyard for Diappeared Persons at:
Asian Human Rights Commission   | Tel: +(852)-2698-6339          
Unit D, 7 Floor, 16 Argyle Street,      | Fax: +(852)-2698-6367         
Mongkok Commercial Centre,      | E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     
Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR          | Web:

Staff and personal e-mail addresses:

     Basil FERNANDO, Executive Director   [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
     Sanjeewa LIYANAGE, Information Officer [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
     Louise SUN Wai Han, Administrative Secretary [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
     Catherine FOK Chiu Ping, Communication Assistant [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
     Agnes CHEUNG, Editor (Human Rights SOLIDARITY) - PT
     Shana NISHIHIRA - Student Intern
     Sinapan SAMYDORAI, Programme Coordinator - Urgent Appeals
                        [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] - PT


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