Re: [SIESTA-L] Ask for the W pseudopotential used in siesta

2014-07-26 Por tôpico Максим Арсентьев
I do no thave it, but you can look at input file file for it in atom_table.txt in Pseudo\atom\Contrib directory (for this you should compare atom tutorials). Also maybe you can find it in previous siesta mailshots. Maybe someone else will be able to send it. Pls. post it here and results of tests

Re: [SIESTA-L] Ask for the W pseudopotential used in siesta

2014-07-26 Por tôpico Максим Арсентьев
complete, not compare sorry 2014-07-26 16:07 GMT+04:00 Максим Арсентьев I do no thave it, but you can look at input file file for it in atom_table.txt in Pseudo\atom\Contrib directory (for this you should compare atom tutorials). Also maybe you can find it in previous

Re: [SIESTA-L] convergence test

2014-07-26 Por tôpico 邵德喜
Dear Maxim: I'm so sorry to disturb you again,but I've completed the kpoint grid convergence with a reletive high value of Meshcutoff just follow your words.Then I've got many FORCE_STRESS files related to different kpoint grid.In these files the first four lines is just as follows:

Re: [SIESTA-L] convergence test

2014-07-26 Por tôpico Максим Арсентьев
it is *.FA file contains forces (eV/Ang) Best wishe, Maxim. 2014-07-26 17:00 GMT+04:00 邵德喜 Dear Maxim: I'm so sorry to disturb you again,but I've completed the kpoint grid convergence with a reletive high value of Meshcutoff just follow your words.Then I've got

Re: [SIESTA-L] convergence test

2014-07-26 Por tôpico 邵德喜
Thanks very much.Is it Spanish? I can't understant it ,but I 'll try my best to catch it . Dexi Shao 2014-07-26 21:24 GMT+08:00 Максим Арсентьев more easily to take only max force for plot from output. See pages 79-80 of file attached - it can help you to choose these

Re: [SIESTA-L] convergence test

2014-07-26 Por tôpico Максим Арсентьев
It's in French. Best wishes, Maxim. 2014-07-26 17:36 GMT+04:00 邵德喜 Thanks very much.Is it Spanish? I can't understant it ,but I 'll try my best to catch it . Dexi Shao 2014-07-26 21:24 GMT+08:00 Максим Арсентьев more easily to take only max