Den ons. 6. maj 2020 kl. 22.01 skrev El-abed Haidar <>:

> Yes that is exactly what I am saying. I just needed the confirmation. The
> way I understood from gathering the previous siesta mails and after going
> through the literature the following:
> in solid state physics: we need only 1 kpoint along a NON-periodic
> direction.  That is why, for a molecule or scattering region connected
> between gold for example, only 1 kpoint is used.
> This is based on the fact that kpoints are a result of the Bloch  theorem
> which applies only to infinitely large crystals. With finite dimensions let
> us say graphene,  we have a crystal with periodicity in only 2 dimensions,
> so only kpoints in 2 dimensions, and so on z axis is NOT infinite, it is
> "semi" infinite, so we only use 1 kpoint still  and as you said previous
> studies Transiesta does a very different semi infinite DFT Hamiltonian
> calculation yet a Hamiltonian unlike TbTrans which we aim to find the
> current.
No, the z axis for graphene is not "semi" infinite. It is vacuum and hence
not periodic (I have intentionally left out the discussion about the cell
used in siesta).
A semi-infinite region means it is infinite, but only in the negative or
positive of 1 direction.

In transiesta+tbtrans the semi-infinite region is replaced by self-energies
that takes into account the infinite periodic part behind or in front of
the scattering region electrode (semi-inf-dir -a3 or semi-inf-dir +a3,

Hope that is correct and thank you again for your time.
> EL-abed
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Nick Papior <>
> *Sent: *Tuesday, 5 May 2020 6:14 AM
> *To: *siesta-l <>
> *Subject: *Re: [SIESTA-L] Still confused about K points in siesta,
> transiesta and tbtrans in siesta 4.1b4
> Hi,
> Den søn. 3. maj 2020 kl. 22.03 skrev El-abed Haidar <
> Thank you for the compliment Nick,
> I was seeking an answer from yourself on why does the k points change from
> 100 to 1 in tbtrans.
> The answer seems to be in the physics where the system is not being
> periodic (semi periodic to be precise) therefore the kpoints from tbtrans
> changes automatically to 1. But we use the 100 in the electrode calculation
> and transiesta to find the Hamiltonian of both electrodes and scattering
> region. Is that correct?
> In the electrode calculation you do use a high number of k-points along
> the semiinfinite direction.
> Not in the scattering region. Please try and understand my question in 2.
>  El-abed Haidar | Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
>  Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) Group
>  | School of Physics
> *From:* <> on behalf of
> Nick Papior <>
> *Sent:* Saturday, 2 May 2020 7:07 PM
> *To:* siesta-l <>
> *Subject:* Re: [SIESTA-L] Still confused about K points in siesta,
> transiesta and tbtrans in siesta 4.1b4
> Hi,
> Great you have tried to fully understand this issue.
> Den man. 20. apr. 2020 kl. 22.01 skrev El-abed Haidar <
> Following up on that: In the manual it says that if we use* TBT kgrid
> Monkhorst Pack (block):*
> This means it would act as the same as * kgrid Monkhorst Pack*, however,
> this is used to have a separate k-sampling in the tbtrans utility. If it
> does not exist it will use kgrid Monkhorst Pack
> But as i look into the output it seems to make it back to the default of 1
> 1 1.
> Not sure why?
>  El-abed Haidar | Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
>  Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) Group
>  | School of Physics
> *From:* El-abed Haidar
> *Sent:* Friday, 17 April 2020 2:44 AM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* Still confused about K points in siesta, transiesta and
> tbtrans in siesta 4.1b4
> Good afternoon to whom it may concern,
> i really want to understand the in depth behind the kpoints in electron
> transport. I still feel after going through the siesta mail where I have
> asked about it before in
> <>
>  leading
> to
> <>
>  .
> However, the answers were not clear to be honest as i did not get the
> complete understanding out of this. I went back and read more about
> periodicity  as suggested back here in
> <>
> and as Cubot mentioned its not about periodicity that is usually defined in
> solid states.* Any resources on k points for transport we can rely on or
> tutorials? Because*
> I am  more confused on the k points when defined for electron transport
> study. So im trying really and really would appreciate if there is a
> tutorial in the future for the latest siesta version to how we use k points
> So far i understand that we will go through 3 steps
> 1-transiesta <electrod.fdf >electrode.out to calculate Hamiltonian and
> overlap matrix of electrodes
> 2-transiesta <scat.fdf >scattering.out to calculate density matrix of
> scattering region ]
> 3-tbtran <scat.fdf >.tbtrans.out to calculate current and transmission
> When papers define the k points to be 1 1 100 along electron transport i
> would assume we use in all siesta versions  %block Monkhorst Pack and
> through out the 3 steps i assume i am using 1 1 100 in my entire
> calculation.  *I found out recently that once siesta run is done in step
> 2 and starts a transiesta run the k points change suddenly to 1 1 1.
> WHY???? It was
> mentioned
> <>
>  but
> not enough explanation on the reason why. *
> I am not sure why especially that i want my study to be infinite along x
> and y ( or lattice vector a and b) and finite in z ( or c vector).
> *Now if I am suppose to add a block in each step above mentioned, what
> should I do to make sure all 3 steps have 1 1 100? IF NOT AGAIN WHY?*
> *I fully understand that i should do convergence tests for k points but i
> need to know also if that is always the case. Because i read that 1 1 100
> is more than enough (based on literature and reading around the siesta
> mail)*
> *Would anyone be able to give their in sight thoughts as detailed as
> possible. Thank you*
> I would suggest you to first conceptually figure out what the NEGF code
> does. As per your 3 steps above
> 1. transiesta elec.fdf
> This calculates a _truly_ bulk electrode. Ask your selve this:
> a) how do you approach the truly bulk charge density in a regular
> calculation? Which parameter should be *tuned* to find the truly bulk
> electrode?
> b) You want the electrode to be added to a device region. In the device
> calculation you have a particular direction of the electrodes that are
> "semi-infinite". You want the two systems to be commensurate in terms of
> calculation parameters. How does this relate to a)? What does this imply
> for the semi-infinite direction, and for the transverse directions?
> 2. transiesta scat.fdf
> Here you calculate the device region where you place your _truly_ bulk
> electrodes. What does the NEGF implementation state about electrodes? What
> does an electrode mean in a device region system? And more importantly, if
> you have 2 electrodes both with the same semi-infinite direction. What does
> this mean for the k-point sampling along that direction? Why shouldn't it
> matter whether you use any number of k-points? (once you figure
> out/understand this it means you understand the NEGF concept ;) )
> 3. tbtrans scat.fdf
> This calculates the spectroscopic quantities, such as DOS.
> There is no conceptual difference from TBtrans and from a regular PDOS
> calculation using Siesta.
> E.g. if you use a k-point sampling [nx=3 ny=3 nz=3] in siesta, would that
> be enough to get a good PDOS estimate?
> If not, why? And how do you resolve this?
>  El-abed Haidar | Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
>  Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) Group
>  | School of Physics
> --
> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (
> <>
> )
> --
> Kind regards Nick
> --
> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (
> <>
> )
> --
> Kind regards Nick
> --
> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

Kind regards Nick
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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