Dear Siesta users,

I have been trying to optimize a 32 atom 2D supercell of Germanium Carbide.
For that I am trying to test the convergence of my system with respect to
the k-mesh value. Following according to the siesta hands on tutorial, I
have run optimization of the system with k-mesh value starting from 4x4x1
up to 30x30x1. Now even though the lattice parameter has obtained a
constant value from 20x20x1 k-mesh, the free energy values are fluctuating
very much, even near 30x30x1 k-mesh.
I am attaching a data file listing the k-mesh used and the corresponding
free energies, lattice parameters and pressures.
#k    free_energy(eV)      a(Ang)    press(kBar)

4    -4404.686569    13.071919    1.58775270
5    -4404.692009    13.071926    1.57574542
6    -4404.683644    13.071920    1.58159257
7    -4404.690383    13.071918    1.58333081
8    -4404.690468    13.071920    1.58158769
9    -4404.656950    13.071918    1.58728229
10    -4404.689479    13.071920    1.58758950
11    -4404.651242    13.071923    1.55663793
12    -4404.652430    13.071924    1.55242216
13    -4404.652785    13.071924    1.55406592
14    -4404.690453    13.071917    1.58822447
15    -4404.690326    13.071920    1.58736858
16    -4404.648946    13.071924    1.58553524
17    -4404.690409    13.071919    1.58581311
18    -4404.656695    13.071924    1.51914825
19    -4404.647953    13.071923    1.56108155
20    -4404.656823    13.071924    1.51265983
21    -4404.662298    13.071924    1.56920158
22    -4404.660099    13.071925    1.57130732
23    -4404.654394    13.071924    1.52465516
24    -4404.666235    13.071924    1.56528804
25    -4404.655273    13.071924    1.51864296
26    -4404.654969    13.071924    1.57698239
27    -4404.654026    13.071924    1.51899044
28    -4404.660686    13.071924    1.57076477
29    -4404.647965    13.071924    1.58495969
30    -4404.650918    13.071924    1.58155660

I have been optimizing the above structure with spin-polarization turned
ON. Is it the reason why the free energy values are not reaching a
converged value? Should I carry out the convergence tests with
spin-polarization option turned off and turn it on only while calculating
bands, DOS and other properties?
Please help me in this regard. Thank YOu in advance.

Sunetra Das

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