Dear Community Members,

This is a final reminder to inform you that the deadline for nominations
for the position of NIR SIG Chair is 23:59 (UTC +10) on Friday,
30 September 2016.

Acting Chair, Ajai Kumar, has nominated for the position of Chair. If he
is successful, there will be only one Co-Chair and he will have the
option to appoint one additional Co-Chair to serve the SIG.

To facilitate an election if this happens, the Secretariat has adjusted
the nomination form to allow nominations for Co-Chair only.

If you would like to nominate yourself, or somebody else for either
positions, please do so before the deadline.
Nominees must confirm they are able to fulfil the responsibilities of 
Chair as outlined in the APNIC SIG Guidelines:

Nominations and self-nominations may be submitted using the form
available here:

All SIG Chairs undertake this work on a voluntary basis. The APNIC
Secretariat speaks on behalf of the community in saying we are very
appreciative of the work done by Toshio Tachibana during his time as
NIR SIG Chair.

Kind regards,

George Odagi
Internet Resource Analyst/Policy Support, APNIC
p: +61 7 3858 3191
f: +61 7 3858 3199
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