
APNIC EC Endorses Proposals from APNIC 47

The APNIC EC endorsed the three proposals, that reached consensus during
APNIC 47, via an electronic ballot and asked the APNIC Secretariat to
implement these proposals.

The proposals are:

    prop-127: Change maximum delegation size of 103/8 IPv4 address pool 
to a /23

    prop-128: Multihoming not required for ASN

    prop-129: Abolish Waiting list for unmet IPv4 requests

This is the final stage in the Policy Development Process before 


As requested by APNIC EC, APNIC has implemented, with immediate effect, the
proposal "prop-127: Change maximum delegation size of 103/8 IPv4 address 
pool to a /23".

The APNIC EC introduced an interim arrangement for IPv4 delegations from 
103/8 after this proposal, prop-127, reached consensus during APNIC 47. 
Since then, IPv4 requests have been processed manually according to 
prop-127, to a maximum of /23, with an additional /23 reserved for 
requests that qualify for a /22 under the existing policy.


As this proposal is now endorsed by the APNIC EC, the reserved blocks 
will be released back into the free pool and only a maximum of /23 will 
be delegated.


Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi
Senior Advisor - Policy and Community Development

Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) |  Tel: +61 7 3858 3100
PO Box 3646 South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia  |  Fax: +61 7 3858 3199
6 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane, QLD          |  http://www.apnic.net
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