On 6 September 2017 at 19:06, Cindy Gallop <ci...@cindygallop.com> wrote:

> You may find this interview I gave to Summerill & Bishop on why it's so
> important nowadays that parents talk to their children early about sex and
> about porn, interesting/helpful (I explain exactly how to have the
> conversation with your kids about porn).
> https://www.summerillandbishop.com/blogs/meanderings/unchartered-territory
> Obviously, this is why my startup MakeLoveNotPorn exists - to help parents,
> and everyone, recognize the concept of and promote good sexual values and
> good sexual behavior. I spoke to The Swaddle about how important this is in
> India:
> https://theswaddle.com/cindy-gallop-sexual-values/
I really liked your interview. But reading it also tells me how far far
away indian society (at least the bits i am familiar with) is from even
contemplating such a discussion.

My son's school wanted to introduce a programme on sexual awareness, with a
particular emphasis on sexual abuse and making the kids aware about it and
how to talk about it. So they had an introductory session where the
programme coordinators made a presentation to the parents . The
presentation was actually very good, but I detected varying levels of
hostility from different parents. The programme never started, and when I
asked the school what had happened, they said a majority of the parents
objected to the programme. I did notice that the parents who tended to be
more open minded in such discussions were the ones who had ventured outside
their cultural comfort zones...

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