>Good news for a lot of us!!!
>V 'Naresh' Narasimhan
The U-bend of life
>>>Why, beyond middle age, people get happier as they get older
>>>Age and happiness
>>>ASK people how they feel about getting older, and they will probably reply 
>>>the same vein as Maurice Chevalier: “Old age isn’t so bad when you consider 
>>>alternative.” Stiffening joints, weakening muscles, fading eyesight and the 
>>>clouding of memory, coupled with the modern world’s careless contempt for 
>>>old, seem a fearful prospect—better than death, perhaps, but not much. Yet 
>>>mankind is wrong to dread ageing. Life is not a long slow decline from 
>>>uplands towards the valley of death. It is, rather, a U-bend.
>>>When people start out on adult life, they are, on average, pretty cheerful. 
>>>Things go downhill from youth to middle age until they reach a nadir 
>>>known as the mid-life crisis. So far, so familiar. The surprising part 
>>>after that. Although as people move towards old age they lose things they 
>>>treasure—vitality, mental sharpness and looks—they also gain what people 
>>>their lives pursuing: happiness.
>>>This curious finding has emerged from a new branch of economics that seeks a 
>>>more satisfactory measure than money of human well-being. Conventional 
>>>uses money as a proxy for utility—the dismal way in which the discipline 
>>>about happiness. But some economists, unconvinced that there is a direct 
>>>relationship between money and well-being, have decided to go to the nub of 
>>>matter and measure happiness itself.
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>>>These ideas have penetrated the policy arena, starting in Bhutan , where the 
>>>concept of Gross National Happiness shapes the planning process. All new 
>>>policies have to have a GNH assessment, similar to the environmental-impact 
>>>assessment common in other countries. In 2008 France ’s president, Nicolas 
>>>Sarkozy, asked two Nobel-prize-winning economists, Amartya Sen and Joseph 
>>>Stiglitz, to come up with a broader measure of national contentedness than 
>>>Then last month, in a touchy-feely gesture not typical of Britain , David 
>>>Cameron announced that the British government would start collecting figures 
>>>There are already a lot of data on the subject collected by, for instance, 
>>>America ’s General Social Survey, Eurobarometer and Gallup. Surveys ask two 
>>>sorts of question. One concerns people’s assessment of their lives, and the 
>>>other how they feel at any particular time. The first goes along the lines 
>>>thinking about your life as a whole, how do you feel? The second is 
>>>like: yesterday, did you feel happy/contented/angry/anxious? The first sort 
>>>question is said to measure global well-being, and the second hedonic or 
>>>emotional well-being. They do not always elicit the same response: having 
>>>children, for instance, tends to make people feel better about their life as 
>>>whole, but also increases the chance that they felt angry or anxious 
>>>Statisticians trawl through the vast quantities of data these surveys 
>>>rather as miners panning for gold. They are trying to find the answer to the 
>>>perennial question: what makes people happy?
>>>Four main factors, it seems: gender, personality, external circumstances and 
>>>age. Women, by and large, are slightly happier than men. But they are also 
>>>susceptible to depression: a fifth to a quarter of women experience 
>>>at some point in their lives, compared with around a tenth of men. Which 
>>>suggests either that women are more likely to experience more extreme 
>>>or that a few women are more miserable than men, while most are more 
>>>Two personality traits shine through the complexity of economists’ 
>>>analyses: neuroticism and extroversion. Neurotic people—those who are prone 
>>>guilt, anger and anxiety—tend to be unhappy. This is more than a 
>>>observation about people’s mood when asked about their feelings by pollsters 
>>>economists. Studies following people over many years have shown that 
>>>is a stable personality trait and a good predictor of levels of happiness. 
>>>Neurotic people are not just prone to negative feelings: they also tend to 
>>>low emotional intelligence, which makes them bad at forming or managing 
>>>relationships, and that in turn makes them unhappy.
>>>Whereas neuroticism tends to make for gloomy types, extroversion does the 
>>>opposite. Those who like working in teams and who relish parties tend to be 
>>>happier than those who shut their office doors in the daytime and hole up at 
>>>home in the evenings. This personality trait may help explain some 
>>>cross-cultural differences: a study comparing similar groups of British, 
>>>and Japanese people found that the British were, on average, both more 
>>>and happier than the Chinese and Japanese.
>>>Then there is the role of circumstance. All sorts of things in people’s 
>>>such as relationships, education, income and health, shape the way they 
>>>Being married gives people a considerable uplift, but not as big as the 
>>>that springs from being unemployed. In America, being black used to be 
>>>associated with lower levels of happiness—though the most recent figures 
>>>that being black or Hispanic is nowadays associated with greater happiness. 
>>>People with children in the house are less happy than those without. More 
>>>educated people are happier, but that effect disappears once income is 
>>>controlled for. Education, in other words, seems to make people happy 
>>>because it 
>>>makes them richer. And richer people are happier than poor ones—though just 
>>>much is a source of argument (see article).
>>>The view from winter
>>>Lastly, there is age. Ask a bunch of 30-year-olds and another of 
>>>(as Peter Ubel, of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University , 
>>>with two colleagues, Heather Lacey and Dylan Smith, in 2006) which group 
>>>think is likely to be happier, and both lots point to the 30-year-olds. Ask 
>>>to rate their own well-being, and the 70-year-olds are the happier bunch. 
>>>academics quoted lyrics written by Pete Townshend of The Who when he was 20: 
>>>“Things they do look awful cold / Hope I die before I get old”. They pointed 
>>>that Mr Townshend, having passed his 60th birthday, was writing a blog that 
>>>glowed with good humour.
>>>Mr Townshend may have thought of himself as a youthful radical, but this 
>>>view is 
>>>ancient and conventional. The “seven ages of man”—the dominant image of the 
>>>life-course in the 16th and 17th centuries—was almost invariably conceived 
>>>as a 
>>>rise in stature and contentedness to middle age, followed by a sharp decline 
>>>towards the grave. Inverting the rise and fall is a recent idea. “A few of 
>>>noticed the U-bend in the early 1990s,” says Andrew Oswald, professor of 
>>>economics at  Warwick Business School . “We ran a conference about it, but 
>>>nobody came.”
>>>People are least happy in their 40s and early 50s. They reach a nadir at a 
>>>global average of 46
>>>Since then, interest in the U-bend has been growing. Its effect on happiness 
>>>significant—about half as much, from the nadir of middle age to the elderly 
>>>peak, as that of unemployment. It appears all over the world. David 
>>>Blanchflower, professor of economics at Dartmouth College , and Mr Oswald 
>>>at the figures for 72 countries. The nadir varies among 
>>>countries—Ukrainians, at 
>>>the top of the range, are at their most miserable at 62, and Swiss, at the 
>>>bottom, at 35—but in the great majority of countries people are at their 
>>>unhappiest in their 40s and early 50s. The global average is 46.
>>>The U-bend shows up in studies not just of global well-being but also of 
>>>or emotional well-being. One paper, published this year by Arthur Stone, 
>>>Schwartz and Joan Broderick of Stony   Brook University , and Angus Deaton 
>>>Princeton , breaks well-being down into positive and negative feelings and 
>>>at how the experience of those emotions varies through life. Enjoyment and 
>>>happiness dip in middle age, then pick up; stress rises during the early 
>>>then falls sharply; worry peaks in middle age, and falls sharply thereafter; 
>>>anger declines throughout life; sadness rises slightly in middle age, and 
>>>Turn the question upside down, and the pattern still appears. When the 
>>>Labour Force Survey asks people whether they are depressed, the U-bend 
>>>an arc, peaking at 46.
>>>Happier, no matter what
>>>There is always a possibility that variations are the result not of changes 
>>>during the life-course, but of differences between cohorts. A 70-year-old 
>>>European may feel different to a 30-year-old not because he is older, but 
>>>because he grew up during the second world war and was thus formed by 
>>>experiences. But the accumulation of data undermines the idea of a cohort 
>>>effect. Americans and Zimbabweans have not been formed by similar 
>>>yet the U-bend appears in both their countries. And if a cohort effect were 
>>>responsible, the U-bend would not show up consistently in 40 years’ worth of 
>>>Another possible explanation is that unhappy people die early. It is hard to 
>>>establish whether that is true or not; but, given that death in middle age 
>>>fairly rare, it would explain only a little of the phenomenon. Perhaps the 
>>>U-bend is merely an expression of the effect of external circumstances. 
>>>all, common factors affect people at different stages of the life-cycle. 
>>>in their 40s, for instance, often have teenage children. Could the misery of 
>>>middle-aged be the consequence of sharing space with angry adolescents? And 
>>>older people tend to be richer. Could their relative contentment be the 
>>>of their piles of cash?
>>>The answer, it turns out, is no: control for cash, employment status and 
>>>children, and the U-bend is still there. So the growing happiness that 
>>>middle-aged misery must be the result not of external circumstances but of 
>>>internal changes.
>>>People, studies show, behave differently at different ages. Older people 
>>>fewer rows and come up with better solutions to conflict. They are better at 
>>>controlling their emotions, better at accepting misfortune and less prone to 
>>>anger. In one study, for instance, subjects were asked to listen to 
>>>of people supposedly saying disparaging things about them. Older and younger 
>>>people were similarly saddened, but older people less angry and less 
>>>inclined to 
>>>pass judgment, taking the view, as one put it, that “you can’t please all 
>>>people all the time.”
>>>There are various theories as to why this might be so. Laura Carstensen, 
>>>professor of psychology at Stanford University , talks of “the uniquely 
>>>ability to recognise our own mortality and monitor our own time horizons”. 
>>>Because the old know they are closer to death, she argues, they grow better 
>>>living for the present. They come to focus on things that matter now—such as 
>>>feelings—and less on long-term goals. “When young people look at older 
>>>they think how terrifying it must be to be nearing the end of your life. But 
>>>older people know what matters most.” For instance, she says, “young people 
>>>go to cocktail parties because they might meet somebody who will be useful 
>>>them in the future, even though nobody I know actually likes going to 
>>>Death of ambition, birth of acceptance
>>>There are other possible explanations. Maybe the sight of contemporaries 
>>>over infuses survivors with a determination to make the most of their 
>>>years. Maybe people come to accept their strengths and weaknesses, give up 
>>>hoping to become chief executive or have a picture shown in the Royal 
>>>Academy , 
>>>and learn to be satisfied as assistant branch manager, with their 
>>>watercolour on 
>>>display at the church fete. “Being an old maid”, says one of the characters 
>>>in a 
>>>story by Edna Ferber, an (unmarried) American novelist, was “like death by 
>>>drowning—a really delightful sensation when you ceased struggling.” Perhaps 
>>>acceptance of ageing itself is a source of relief. “How pleasant is the 
>>>observed William James, an American philosopher, “when we give up striving 
>>>to be 
>>>young—or slender.”
>>>Whatever the causes of the U-bend, it has consequences beyond the emotional. 
>>>Happiness doesn’t just make people happy—it also makes them healthier. John 
>>>Weinman, professor of psychiatry at King’s College London, monitored the 
>>>levels of a group of volunteers and then inflicted small wounds on them. The 
>>>wounds of the least stressed healed twice as fast as those of the most 
>>>At Carnegie Mellon   University in Pittsburgh , Sheldon Cohen infected 
>>>with cold and flu viruses. He found that happier types were less likely to 
>>>the virus, and showed fewer symptoms of illness when they did. So although 
>>>people tend to be less healthy than younger ones, their cheerfulness may 
>>>counteract their crumbliness.
>>>Happier people are more productive, too. Mr Oswald and two colleagues, 
>>>Proto and Daniel Sgroi, cheered up a bunch of volunteers by showing them a 
>>>film, then set them mental tests and compared their performance to groups 
>>>had seen a neutral film, or no film at all. The ones who had seen the funny 
>>>performed 12% better. This leads to two conclusions. First, if you are going 
>>>volunteer for a study, choose the economists’ experiment rather than the 
>>>psychologists’ or psychiatrists’. Second, the cheerfulness of the old should 
>>>help counteract their loss of productivity through declining cognitive 
>>>point worth remembering as the world works out how to deal with an ageing 
>>>The ageing of the rich world is normally seen as a burden on the economy and 
>>>problem to be solved. The U-bend argues for a more positive view of the 
>>>The greyer the world gets, the brighter it becomes—a prospect which should 
>>>especially encouraging to Economist readers (average age 47).


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