> The nun who kissed Elvis: Extraordinary story of a starlet who turned her 
> back on Hollywood to live in a convent will appear at the Oscar ceremony
> Looking back: Dolores Hart and Elvis Presley promoting Loving You; Hart went 
> on to become a nun
> The speculation will continue until the last minute about the fashion parade 
> in store for us at the Oscars this weekend, but we can be sure that at least 
> one of the actresses trooping into Hollywood's Kodak Theatre will be wearing 
> black -- the black habit of the Benedictine order of nuns.
> The last time Dolores Hart walked the Academy Awards red carpet - in 1962 - 
> she was the blushing starlet who had given Elvis Presley his first screen 
> kiss.
> After a whirlwind rise to stardom, the 23-year-old beauty had secured a 
> $1-million contract and roles opposite some of Hollywood's leading men.
> But then she gave it all up - disappearing from public life so completely she 
> might have been a figment of some movie mogul's imagination.
> But this Sunday she will finally return as the woman she chose to become - 
> Mother Dolores, prioress of a cloistered nunnery in rural Connecticut, a 
> Benedictine nun who has spent the past 50 years living a life of hard manual 
> work, contemplation and prayer.
> Now 73, she has agreed to make a rare foray from her isolated life at the 
> Abbey of Regina Laudis in order to celebrate an Oscar-nominated documentary, 
> God Is The Bigger Elvis, which has been made about her life.
> She says she is enormously excited about the biggest night in the 
> showbusiness calendar - even if she has to go up on stage.
> And while the Oscars may not be used to people who dress in plain clothes and 
> walk with a stick, this is a woman who's already experienced the sort of 
> movie star adulation about which many of today's preening, pouting actresses 
> in their megabucks designer gowns can only dream.
> Mother Dolores still has the piercing blue eyes and demure, flawless beauty 
> that once made Grace Kelly comparisons inevitable.
> She was just 18 when she made her screen debut, co-starring with a young 
> Elvis in Loving You. The 1957 film was only his second movie, and his 
> lingering kiss with Dolores Hart made her the envy of women everywhere.
> She is still asked what it was like and her unexciting, if rather sweet, 
> answer is that they both blushed so much that filming had to be stopped while 
> their purple ears were swathed in make-up. "If there is anything I am most 
> grateful for, it is the privilege of being one of the few people left to 
> acknowledge he was an innocent," she said of Presley ten years ago.
> Devoted: Actress turned Benedictine cloistered nun, Mother Delores standing 
> on the grounds of the Abbey of Regina Laudis
> The film made her name and she swiftly made two more, starring alongside 
> Montgomery Clift and Anthony Quinn, before teaming up again with Elvis in 
> King Creole in 1958.
> She was to pack in nine films in five years, including the cult comedy Where 
> The Boys Are with George Hamilton. All the time, she remained a devout Roman 
> Catholic, getting up at 6am for Mass each day and praying before every 
> audition. In what was to be her last film, 1963's Come Fly With Me, she 
> played a beautiful airline stewardess looking for romance and excitement.
> But in real life she was gravitating towards something very different. The 
> only child of two good-looking, bit-part Hollywood actors who separated when 
> she was young, her lonely, unsettled childhood was split between the glamour 
> of Los Angeles and a Catholic school in Chicago, where she lived for some of 
> the year with her grandparents.
> After she left school, she moved to Hollywood, and in 1957 was signed up, 
> aged 18. Fame came quickly, but she found the emotional side of film-making 
> unsatisfying. "You worked intensely for maybe ten weeks, and then you break 
> and you never see the person again," she  said later. 
> Flawless beauty: Dolores Hart with George Hamilton in Where The Boys Are
> While starring in a Broadway play, a friend suggested she take a break and 
> stay at a guest cottage in the grounds of a Catholic abbey in Connecticut. 
> But she had unhappy memories of school. I said: "Oh, I don't want to go to 
> see more nuns," she says. My friend said: "Just try it, they're contemplative 
> and they won't talk." Sure enough, Dolores instantly found peace, and the 
> close-knit community she had been craving since childhood. She talked about 
> becoming a nun there and then, but she was only 21 and the abbess considered 
> her too immature.
> Dolores certainly sounded surprisingly unworldly for someone who had already 
> spent a few years in Hollywood, telling the abbess she was worried that a 
> Catholic girl like her shouldn't be making films with Elvis, because she 
> could be "aroused by the boys." It took three years and several more visits 
> to the abbey before the nuns agreed she was ready to take holy orders, but by 
> then she was engaged.
> Don Robinson, a successful Los Angeles architect, had been courting her for 
> five years. But as they returned from their engagement party, she admitted to 
> him that she wanted to become a nun.
> Ceremonial: Things could have been different and Dolores could have been a 
> fixture at the Oscars... but her life took a very different direction
> Robinson was devastated at first but, as a Catholic himself, brought himself 
> to accept it as God's will.
> In the years that followed, he went out with other women, but never found one 
> he wanted to marry. Devoted to the woman he could never have as his wife, he 
> continued to visit Mother Dolores in her nunnery at Christmas and Easter 
> every year until his death just three months ago.
> "I never got over Dolores," said Mr Robinson shortly before he died. "I have 
> the same thoughts [about her] today as I did 52 years ago."
> But if Don Robinson showed great understanding of Dolores's desire to serve 
> God, her studio was furious.
> When studio MGM asked her to promote Come Fly With Me, Dolores said she 
> wanted to visit "friends in the country." The studio drove her to the abbey 
> in a limousine, unaware she was never coming back. She became a novice nun 
> that day.
> If the studio executives were angry at what they saw as a betrayal of their 
> trust, everyone else, including her family, was incredulous. The Press even 
> pounced on a rumour that she had retreated to a nunnery after having Elvis's 
> love child. "It was hurtful and aggravating because ours was really such a 
> fine relationship," she said years later.
> Her early days as a nun were difficult as she came to realise that being a 
> pampered star was no preparation for the hard life in the nunnery. 
> "The first night I felt like I had jumped off a 20-storey building and landed 
> flat on my bottom," she says  in the new documentary. "I had no idea it was 
> going to mean working in the garden, ten people sharing one bathroom, the 
> sternness."
> 'I can understand why people have doubts. Because who understands God? I 
> don't.' 
> On top of the physical labour, each day Dolores had to keep three periods of 
> silence and sing Latin chants seven times. The outside world and her fellow 
> nuns expected she would soon be pounding on the abbey doors to get out. 
> Dolores admitted she had grave doubts herself. "The first few years were a 
> very, very difficult transition," she says.
> Even in her cloistered world, she was not cut off from her past. She became a 
> close friend of the actress Patricia Neal in the Eighties after a mutual 
> friend suggested Neal stay at the abbey to recover from the end of her 
> turbulent marriage to Roald Dahl. The nuns calmed her down and Neal ended up 
> staying at the nunnery for nearly a year. She later converted to Catholicism 
> and is buried in the abbey grounds.
> Mother Dolores has also remained an Oscars voter, watching DVDs of nominated 
> films sent by the Academy in her office. "Watching films tells me what's 
> happening in civilisation and how much people are suffering," she says.
> She has suffered herself in recent years, her health blighted by a 
> neurological disorder. But as the documentary's director, Rebecca Cammisa, 
> told me, the nun still has much of the actress in her. "I think she sees 
> returning to the Oscars as a sort of homecoming," says Cammisa.
> "If she had stayed in the film business, she would have been this huge star. 
> It just shows you how strong her calling [to be a nun] must have been."
> So as she walks into the Kodak Theatre on Sunday, it's hard not to think 
> Dolores Hart won't feel a twinge of regret for what might have been. She 
> admits she has "struggled" with her vocation all her life.
> "I can understand why people have doubts," says Mother Dolores. "Because who 
> understands God?  I don't."
> P.S. : She also acted as St Clare with Bradford Dillman (as Francis) in the 
> film "Francis of Assisi).
> --

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