Then twelve year old "SG" made a surprisingly well-written literary
statement about the $100 laptop" on Freedom to Tinker:

    My expectations for this computer were, I must admit, not very high. But
it completely took me by surprise.

    It was cleverly designed, imaginative, straightforward, easy to
understand (I was given no instructions on how to use it. It was just,
"Here. Figure it out yourself."), useful and simple, entertaining,
dependable, really a "stick to the basics" kind of computer.

    It's the perfect laptop for the job. Great for first time users, it sets
the mood by offering a bunch of entertaining and easy games and a camera.

SG also sets the mood for another laptop prototype test, this time
maintenance. Nicholas Negroponte's OLPC XO maintenance plan is for children
to do 95% of technical support. Apparently Mitch Bradley even believes that
a 10-year old could replace an XO motherboard

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