

Thank you for this information. As with most things in life, some
information even from knowledgeable folks is suspect. Andy Cutler (who died
recently) was a biochemist whose protocols on chelation helped transform
many autistic kids into normal, functioning people. Briefly, Cutler
advocated only three substances for chelation because some ingredients that
are commonly used (such as cilantro) do pull out metals from the tissues,
but they exert weak chemical bonds so the metals often end up just being
moved around in the body rather than excreted. It's too bad that he promoted
incorrect info about CS, because so much of what he taught about chelation
appears to be correct. 


On the other side, Dr. Ed Group claims that CS kills only good bacteria and
not bad bacteria.

idal-silver) We know that this isn't correct.


It's up to each of us to become as informed as possible, and to discern for
ourselves. As for people who actively try to prevent intelligent
discussion-well, it's their loss.





Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health

now in all formats: hardcover, ebook for Mac, Kindle, iPad, Android 

DVDs of 2016 Rife and Electromedicine Conference Available NOW

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From: Deborah Gerard [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 8:42 PM
To: Mike Devour - Silver List
Subject: CS>Do you know of Andy Cutler Chelation?


Chelation supplements for the Andy Cutler oral chelation


Had a interesting conversation with a young man who was told to join this FB
group and to not take colloidal silver because it would kill him per this
clown Andy Cutler. Was told that silver was a heavy told the
guy google heavy metals for Pete's sake silver is not one of them...another
gal chimmed in who is in that group and she said she praised colloidal
silver one time and was told if she ever did it again she would be kicked
out. What a jerk and a liar.

Anyway just ranting ticks me off when people spread lies...