Oz Vax inventor Nikolai Petrovsky Phd., Melb. -- "mislead by present (MRNA jabs) by Govts. and MP's"

2023-02-10 Thread Douglas Haack
Here is an Australian Vax inventor Nikolai Petrovsky Phd in Melb. giving an opinion how we the citizens have been totally misled about the useless unsafe MRNA jabs by Govts. and MP's and others . . . Petrovsky has a successful Vax being tested in IRAN -- Australia has made it impossible

the DANES have total controlling hands on all IMMIGRATION of NON EUROPEANS into DENMARK

2023-02-10 Thread Douglas Haack
They have GELDED (De-Balled) the IMMIGRATION TROJAN HORSE . . . In SWEDEN the middle EASTENERS run WILD causing MAYHEM with serious CRIME --  the Police are held back -- thus there is a constant drain of personnel OUT of the force . . .  been going on for years . . .