AGE 25-44 -- 61,000 DEAD by EXPERIMENTAL VAX -- MORE than all US soldiers in Vietnam over 10 YEARS

2022-03-27 Thread Douglas Haack
Surely, this didn't happen !! Would the DOWD team lie ??? WHY WHY WHY  ???. . . MILLENNIALS -- AGE 25-44 -- 61,000 DEAD  by EXPERIMENTAL VAX -- MORE than all US soldiers in Vietnam over 10 YEARS -- BREAKING RED ALERT: "Edward Dowd, former investor/analyst for BlackRock, is now leading the

Australian Cross-Party enquiry organised by the ONE Nation Political Party --

2022-03-25 Thread Douglas Haack
Australian Cross-Party enquiry organised by the "ONE Nation: Political Party -- Can I suggest: Vote all sitting politicians OUT -- at the soon upcoming Oz Federal Elections . . . the two "alternating governing in-power" parties (Liberal & Labor)  maintain a totally corrupt "so called

America's Frontline Doctors Confirm: Vaccine-Related AIDS Will Hit MILLIONS By Fall

2022-03-25 Thread T. J. Garland
Any trials using CS? The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

This file has a problem -- use MS EDGE -- NOT Firefox -- Three Novavax adverse reactions in Australia

2022-03-23 Thread Douglas Haack
NOVAVAX is dangerous too -- has the patented SPIKE Protein form as Moderna Patent jab formula -- More problems might come out in the next months . . . I was waiting for this --- But now ??? Very unlikely . . .I jsut won't travel or cruise. Three Novavax adverse reaction cases in Australia

Interaction of silver nanoparticles with HIV-1

2022-03-21 Thread T. J. Garland The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Ivermectin Decreases Mortality - Andrew Hill POS

2022-03-18 Thread T. J. Garland The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

'You Would Not Believe What Happened Last Night': Marjorie Taylor Greene Blasts Pelosi - YouTube

2022-03-17 Thread T. J. Garland The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Germans supposedly gassed "people" -- had 100K JEWISH military incl. Generals & Admirals

2022-03-15 Thread Douglas Haack


2022-03-14 Thread Douglas Haack
Who actually really knows . . . !!! ???

Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Have Come Across

2022-03-13 Thread T. J. Garland The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Perhaps the Most Effective Weapon Against Viral Infections

2022-03-11 Thread T. J. Garland The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Fwd: Photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president | Outrageous Minds

2022-03-07 Thread T. J. Garland
The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine. Begin forwarded message: > From: "T. J. Garland" > Date: March 7, 2022 at 10:02:37 PM EST > To: Danny Seals > Subject: Photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was

Commodities - Live Quote Price Trading Data

2022-03-07 Thread T. J. Garland The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

dojo->(source code)

2022-03-05 Thread T. J. Garland The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Special Report From the Front Line in Ukraine - YouTube

2022-03-04 Thread T. J. Garland The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Fwd: Dr. Zelenko speaks out!

2022-03-04 Thread T. J. Garland
The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine. Begin forwarded message: > From: Pastor Rob Bremer > Date: March 4, 2022 at 10:07:32 AM EST > To: Linda Jenkins , "T. J. Garland" > , Sonny Coane , Victor Bunch > , val erie ,

An Easy and Effective Shield to Protect From Covid-19 - LewRockwell

2022-02-19 Thread T. J. Garland Foxtrot-Juliet-Bravo!

HIDDEN CAMERA Bombshell - Project Veritas Exposes CRIMINAL FDA -- VAX people for EVER

2022-02-16 Thread Douglas Haack
FDA Executive on Camera Reveals Future COVID Policies. President Biden Wants To Inoculate As Many People As Possible . . . to put Billions into the hands of Big Pharma . . .

NATURALLY acquired Covid IMMUNITY --- EQUALS more ROBUST, SUPERIOR to existing VAXXES/Boosters

2022-02-16 Thread Douglas Haack
We should not FORCE COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves.

deep state and the digital-financial complex | "Lexikon der Finanzwelt" with Ernst Wolff

2022-02-16 Thread T. J. Garland Foxtrot-Juliet-Bravo!

FreedomConvoy USA "We have a right to resist and we have an obligation & duty to do so!" T. Lindsay - YouTube

2022-02-14 Thread T. J. Garland Foxtrot-Juliet-Bravo!


2022-02-13 Thread Douglas Haack
JAPAN ONLY -- country requiring INFORMED consent 4 EXPERIMENTAL JAB -- NOT A VAXX -- GIVES No IMMUNITY !! NO PROTECTION -- badly injuries some people , , , even KILLS . . .  ask AmericaONE Corp -- their  insurance payouts ahve risen 40% -- never in the history of the Insurance industry has


2022-02-13 Thread Douglas Haack

Identifying-the-luciferian-globalists-implementing-the-new-world-order-who-are-these -jews/

2022-02-11 Thread Douglas Haack

NYT Krugman's jewish kookiness "off the charts". Openly inciting virulent Trotskyite COVID hatred

2022-02-10 Thread Douglas Haack
NYT Still Inciting Rage Against Unvaxxed | | | | | | | | | | | NYT Still Inciting Rage Against Unvaxxed Krugman's kikey cookiness is really "off the charts" in this one. He is openly inciting the type of Trotskyite h... | | |

understand-Ukrainian-crisis -- it's-Jewish-Supremacist-Power-at-the-Front-and-Center ALWAYS

2022-02-09 Thread Douglas Haack

"Why and How" SILVER in COLLOIDAL form as a SPRAY is super effective against all viruses . . .

2022-02-09 Thread Douglas Haack
Here "Why and How" SILVER in COLLOIDAL form as a SPRAY is super effective against all viruses . . . I breathe in a MIST of 10ppm silver whenever I return to the house from shopping or whatever . . .

COVID-19 DAM is breaking “Turning Point”: London Metro Police & International Criminal Court investigate . . .

2022-02-08 Thread Douglas Haack
Metropolitan Police of London have agreed to take on a criminal case investigating a legal complaint filed on December 20, 2021. Not only is Britain’s largest police force now actively involved in the probe, but the Hammersmith Police alongside the International Criminal Court at the Hague in


2022-02-07 Thread Douglas Haack

Fw: JAMA/John Hopkins COVID "Little or No IMMUNITY" study

2022-02-07 Thread Douglas Haack


2022-02-07 Thread Douglas Haack
Has it occurred to you why they are NOT talking about NATURAL IMMUNITY any more . . . ? . . . .insisting only on BOOSTER possible d**th shots . . .

IT'S NOT 'COVID'. IT'S 5G. -- Hope & Tivon

2022-02-07 Thread T. J. Garland Foxtrot-Juliet-Bravo!

OZ Queensland Uni VAX TERMINATED causing HIV_AIDS False/Positive test results . . .

2022-02-05 Thread Douglas Haack
Internationally, the DEADLY SPIKE Protein mRNA vaxxes have reported the beginnings signs of HIV-AIDS potential . . .  AVOID the deadly mRNA  INJECTION . . . I bet there were more than SEVERAL . . .!!!??? “Oz Billion-dollar deal for Morrison government to buy more than 50 million doses of

EUROPE -- Shocking analysis -- Covid VAX Death-Rates much HIGHER than OFFICIALLY reported

2022-02-04 Thread Douglas Haack
Shocking analysis finds that Covid-19 Vaccine Death-Rates are much higher than what is being officially reported

ISRAEL -- '80% of serious COVID cases are FULLY VAXXED' says Ichilov hospital director

2022-02-04 Thread Douglas Haack '80% of serious COVID cases are fully vaccinated' says Ichilov hospital director

TWO VAX JABS -- causes you -- NEVER again to ACQUIRE NATURAL IMMUNITY to Covid and other VIRUSES

2022-02-03 Thread Douglas Haack
EXPERIMENTAL, DANGEROUS, LIFE THREATENING -- NO IMMUNITY EVER !! What a CONFIDENCE TRICK they have played . . . UK government admitted -- "If you've been DOUBLE-VAXXED, you will NEVER again be able to acquire full natural immunity to Covid variants… or possibly any other virus".

Australian-health-authorities-are silencing-doctors-in-the-COVID Pandemic

2022-02-03 Thread Douglas Haack

According to Dutch insurer Aegon -- life-insurance-258-percent-increase-payouts-2021

2022-02-02 Thread Douglas Haack

FAUCI-KNEW-about-likely-CCP LAB-LEAK- Jan. 2020 -- secret-teleconference-pushed-alternate-narrative-instead . . . the dam is cracked dangerously . . .!!

2022-02-01 Thread Douglas Haack

Cancer and Silver

2022-01-31 Thread T. J. Garland Foxtrot-Juliet-Bravo!

How-Hitler-saved-the-allies -- the inconvenient facts about Hitler, Stalin, FDR and WWI & WWII

2022-01-29 Thread Douglas Haack
How Bolshevik Commo Bankers of Jewdom, after they declalred economic war on Germany officially in 1933, the English, German and US bankers spent billions in today's monies establishing Communism in Russia. While FDR's commo riddled government, US media and Hollywood demonised German Kaiser

. . . the best video made about the Covid pandemic worldwide -- almost 2 hours of great real information

2022-01-26 Thread Douglas Haack

22 ways-to-stop-vaccine-passports -- also meaningful in Oz

2022-01-26 Thread Douglas Haack

Cancer cure!

2022-01-25 Thread Jean Baugh
You really need to read the information at the link below and it will open your eyes to what is going on. Do they really have a cure for cancer? You'd better believe it and that is THE reason they don't want it on the market! Furthermore, the ONLY fda approved CBD is partly synthetic. Why? I

The Spectacular Failure of COVID Shots

2022-01-24 Thread Douglas Haack

VAXXES don't work. Nothing to stop people CATCHING Covid -- ACTUALLY make it WORSE !!

2022-01-24 Thread Douglas Haack
SEND THIS AROUND -- What a debacle and what a "CON Job" . . . Bring on NURENBERG  II  . . . That kind of news report tells me that the vaccines don't work as vaccines.   That is, they do nothing to stop people from getting the disease. This runs counter to our 200-year-old understanding of

Fw: Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID-19 vaccines can cause organ failure

2022-01-24 Thread Douglas Haack
Look past the Doctors who have been censored and sidelined (especially by Wikipedia and the mainstream media) in the US and elswhere, including Oz . . . - Forwarded message - From: Brighteon To:

Australia -- Fully VAXXED is 4 in every 5 deaths since November 2021

2022-01-23 Thread Douglas Haack
Australia -- Covid-19 Deaths record levels, Official Data shows Fully VAXXED are 4 in every 5 deaths since November 2021 . . . the OVER-REACTION dangers of ADE--  occurs when the antibodies generated during

Germany -- useless-rapid-antigen-tests-under-the-magnifying-glass -- failure rate 92%

2022-01-21 Thread Douglas Haack

Data From Around the World - Including Antarctica - Show Omicron Favoring the Fully Vaccinated - Tennessee Star

2022-01-21 Thread T. J. Garland Foxtrot-Juliet-Bravo!

Need HELP -- from what "RELIABLE" Chinese or Ebay-er can I purchase some more small NEBULISERs

2022-01-18 Thread Douglas Haack
Need HELP -- from what "RELIABLE" Chinese or Ebay-er can I purchase some more small NEBULISERs for friends . . . thanks, dh

Nebulizer recipe for lungs and mucus

2022-01-18 Thread Jean Baugh
I might have sent this once before but it's so good, it's worth sending again. Dr. Berg also loves CS. These are always short videos and usually another one right behind the first, if you like the first one. Would someone please let me know if this shows up so I won't think I'm being

Whole lemon benefits

2022-01-18 Thread Jean Baugh
I found this video by Dr. Berg very interesting. Hope this helps someone. He has a second one on lemons right after the first one. Since I don't get a copy of what I send unless I piggyback it, would some kind soul please let me know I'm not wasting my time? Thank you, Jean

Dr Martin 5 minutes 2 laws - get up and battle easily - start taking evidence now

2022-01-17 Thread T. J. Garland Foxtrot-Juliet-Bravo!

Splintering/Cracking DAM !! -- GOP Senator Demands DoD Investigate Leaked DARPA Bombshell of Covid-19 Origins

2022-01-14 Thread Douglas Haack
GOP Senator Demands DoD Investigate Leaked DARPA Bombshell Over Covid-19 Origins | | | | | | | | | | | GOP Senator Demands DoD Investigate Leaked DARPA Bombshell Over Covid-19... "It is apparent that Dr. Fauci has not been forthright with the American people regarding his

Search your water for contamination by zip code

2022-01-13 Thread Jean Baugh

pharma and media

2022-01-13 Thread Jean Baugh
I now think pharma realizes they have carried the covid hoax too far and now people are realizing how really ugly these people are. Also, people are becoming aware there are probably ways to cure pneumonia, flu, colds and perhaps even lung cancer, not to mention COPD and emphysema. They SURE

the dam is breaking -- the Pro-Vax media knows they have F*CKED- UP and been FOUND out . . .

2022-01-13 Thread Douglas Haack
NY Times Admits COVID “booster” will damage immunity and leave body defenseless against virus

U.K. government says VAXXED are dying at a rate 286% higher than un-VAXXED . . .

2022-01-12 Thread Douglas Haack
Go do your own research --  follow this up to see how true this might be  . . . U.K. government says vaccinated are dying at a rate 286% higher than unvaccinated | | | | | | | | | | | U.K. government says vaccinated are dying at a rate 286% higher than unv... The latest data

"Doomed To Fail" - Top Immunologist Blasts Global COVID Response Driven By "False Propaganda"

2022-01-12 Thread Douglas Haack
Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written an open letter sharply criticizing the Israeli – and indeed global – management of the coronavirus pandemic. "Doomed To Fail" - Top

Marburg Virus: Origins, Transmission, Pathophysiology, Symptoms - YouTube

2022-01-12 Thread T. J. Garland
Ivermectin? Colloidal silver? The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history. -Hegel

Dr Robert O. Becker: Silver Iontophoresis (Regeneration by Silver Ions)

2022-01-12 Thread T. J. Garland The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history. -Hegel

Many ways to cure cancer, and cure Schizophrenia

2022-01-11 Thread Jean Baugh
Number 9 is of particular interest to me because of Dr. Gold's mention of lactic acid. DMSO and Laetrile is a cure for cancer I'm reading about in a book. I don't know how to measure Daltons but do know that DMSO will carry anything up to 1,000 Daltons into the body. A good way it sounds like

High Heat Disarms Coronavirus in Less Than a Second

2022-01-11 Thread T. J. Garland The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history. -Hegel

Aspirin lowers risk of COVID: New findings support VIA Israel

2022-01-09 Thread Douglas Haack
Aspirin lowers risk of COVID: New findings support preliminary trial | | | | | | | | | | | Aspirin lowers risk of COVID: New findings support preliminary trial The treatment reduced the risk of reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%. ICU admissions were lower by 43%, and ... | |

Food Supply Issues Thin Veneer of Civilization 2022-2024 (David Morgan FULL INTERVIEW) - YouTube

2022-01-09 Thread T. J. Garland
Send viral The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history. -Hegel

Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal – SUN

2022-01-08 Thread T. J. Garland The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history. -Hegel

How Bad is my Batch ?

2022-01-08 Thread T. J. Garland The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history. -Hegel

E.D.T.A., and Melatonin

2022-01-07 Thread Jean Baugh
Hi, A friend of mine was having IV chelation and next to him was a man whose feet were dark blue, nearly black. My friend said within 30 minutes the man's feet were pink with circulation. The bottle of oral E.D.T.A. I have says, oral chelation. A very knowledgeable doctor who was hounded by

E.D.T.A., and Melatonin

2022-01-07 Thread Jean Baugh
Jean Baugh 6:55 PM (1 hour ago) to silver-list Hi, A friend of mine was having IV chelation and next to him was a man whose feet were dark blue, nearly black. My friend said within 30 minutes the man's feet were pink with circulation. The bottle of oral E.D.T.A. I have says, oral chelation. A

Indiana-life-insurance-Ceo-says-DEATH PayOUTs-are-up-40%-among-Working Class-ages-18/64

2022-01-03 Thread Douglas Haack
AmericaONE Indiana Insurance Corporation . . . one could ask, "Why would the Insurance Industry hide this" . . . ??? -- did Bill Gates and Fauci SCREW-UP . . . Indiana-life-insurance-Ceo-says-deaths-are-up-40%-among-Working Class-ages-18/64 Can't be the PLAN-DEMIC, surely NOT . . . !! Looks

THANK anonymous 2nd SMART GUY--when World Sees this Video will they arrest Anthony Fauci ?

2021-12-27 Thread Douglas Haack
World Must See This Video And Call For Anthony Fauci's Immediate Arrest -- of course it won't happen . . . - Forwarded message - From: 2nd Smartest Guy in the World from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World Sent: Tuesday, 28 December 2021, 12:51:32 pm AEDT Subject: The World Must See

CDC-just-admitted-their FAKE VAXXES cause MYOCARDITIS -- serious LIFE-LONG HEART Problems . . .

2021-12-27 Thread Douglas Haack
The CDC Just Admitted That The "Vaccines" Cause Myocarditis. | | | | | | | | | | | The CDC Just Admitted That The "Vaccines" Cause Myocarditis. 2nd Smartest Guy in the World >From the CDC itself, of course the real AE’s radically downplayed even in this >rare bit of truthiness: Do

UK -- interesting News Paper "the LIGHTPaper"

2021-12-26 Thread Douglas Haack

VIDEo--1976 SWINE FLU--US wide SCARE-Demic, first PLAN-DEMIC-- $4+ Billion Damages paid

2021-12-26 Thread Douglas Haack
LIES and INJURIES: 60 Minutes expose on the vaccination push for the Swine Flu, when 60 Minutes was doing legitimate reporting. 1976 Swine Flu - They Are Hoping You Forget | | | | | | | | | | | 1976 Swine Flu - They Are Hoping You Forget LIES and INJURIES: 60 Minutes expose on the

UK Bull-Shite--70% Londons Hospitalisation COVID Diagnosed AFTER Admission 4 Other Ailments

2021-12-24 Thread Douglas Haack
70% Of London's COVID Hospitalisations Diagnosed AFTER Being Admitted For Other Ailments | | | | | | | | | | | 70% Of London's COVID Hospitalisations Diagnosed AFTER Being Admitted Fo... “Sick people have been given Covid by the very hospital where they went to get better...” |

Former Oz Military Dr Bruce Paix visited by Police - wrote to his MP re useless Covid treatments

2021-12-22 Thread Douglas Haack
Former Oz Military Dr Bruce Paix (experienced SARS doctor) visited by Police for writing to his MP re useless/inappropriate Covid treatments  / protocols. . .

Flood TV w. HOMO-sex shows as "PC "-- U ConDITION ACCEPTANCE to a HOMO lifestyle . . .

2021-12-22 Thread Douglas Haack
The dire consequences of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS . . . | | The Roots of Political Correctness - The American ConservativeIn response to the killing of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by an Islamic U. S. Army major,

Test again...

2021-12-16 Thread M. Devour
Test again...


2021-12-16 Thread M. Devour

Shutting down OLD list. Please join new list!

2021-12-16 Thread M. Devour
Hi all, At long last, I will be shutting down the silver-list here at Eskimo today. Please remember, this community is NOT ending! Point your browser to and create an account there if you haven't already. Once you're signed in to, go to

GERMAN Vatican Cardinal-warns-elites-ushering-TOTAL -control-surveillance-state-through-covid

2021-12-15 Thread Douglas Haack

MANDATE?? UNVAXXED are NOT a problem -- Vaxxed can't be trusted NOT to be contagious . . .

2021-12-14 Thread Douglas Haack
The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming "Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated" | | | | | | | | | | | The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming "Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated" Pandemic of propagandists... | | |

Re: CS>So Long

2021-12-13 Thread Neville Munn
I think Mike has relinguished the Silver List. I believe Tony might still be checking this, if so, he will let you know they have started another site to discuss silver, and Off Topic stuff. If this comes through, this is the new one... N.

Re: CS>So Long

2021-12-13 Thread Theresa Swift
Why are we saying goodbyes? Have I missed something? On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 10:00 PM Neville Munn wrote: > Absolutely. > > N. > > -- > *From:* Phil Morrison > *Sent:* Saturday, 11 December 2021 12:40 PM > *To:* > *Subject:* CS>So Long > > >

Re: CS>Moving the group...

2021-12-12 Thread p c
Theresa - me too. I would really like all topics on same list. Maybe just OT in subject. Sent from my iPhone > On Nov 1, 2021, at 8:50 AM, Theresa Swift wrote: > >  > I personally benefit from the off topic issues as much as the silver > discussions. > I’m worried I’ll lose this group

Re: CS>So Long

2021-12-12 Thread siriusley13
Somehow won’t ever be the same I’m not much one for over regulated anything. Everything eventually degrades into bad HOA type rulers. My cinical side coming out! On Dec 12, 2021, 10:00 PM -0600, Neville Munn , wrote: > Absolutely. > > N. > > From: Phil Morrison > Sent: Saturday, 11 December 2021

Re: CS>So Long

2021-12-12 Thread Neville Munn
Absolutely. N. From: Phil Morrison Sent: Saturday, 11 December 2021 12:40 PM To: Subject: CS>So Long May I say, "Goodbye to Siler-List ... the best damn blog ever." Phil

Re: CS>CS is quiet

2021-12-12 Thread p c
Thank you Sam L. Good to know. I love all the Info I’ve gathered thru the years from the silver group. Pat Sent from my iPhone > On Dec 12, 2021, at 2:02 PM, Sam L. wrote: > >  > The list just goes that way, up and down. > Mike, if possible I would like to see the silver-list archive

Re: CS>Moving the group...

2021-12-12 Thread Sam L.
Mike, if possible I would like to see the silver-list archive stay. I do not post much anymore but I do go to the archive to search for certain subjects. There is a ton of information inside and a search to help. If anyone does not know of this you can find it here.

Re: CS>CS is quiet

2021-12-12 Thread Sam L.
The list just goes that way, up and down. Mike, if possible I would like to see the silver-list archive stay. I do not post much anymore but I do go to the archive to search for certain subjects. There is a ton of information inside and a search to help. If anyone does not know of this you can

CS>So Long

2021-12-10 Thread Phil Morrison
May I say, "Goodbye to Siler-List ... the best damn blog ever." Phil

Re: CS>List is very quiet.

2021-12-04 Thread M. Devour
On 12/4/21 5:02 PM, Dawn Hinkle wrote: What is the new CS list email address? Thanks Dawn Hinkle Hi Dawn, The new list's home page is: Go to and give them your e-mail address and a password to set up an account, then you'll be able to push a

Re: CS>List is very quiet.

2021-12-04 Thread Dawn Hinkle
What is the new CS list email address? Thanks Dawn Hinkle On Sat, Dec 4, 2021, 3:14 PM M. Devour wrote: > I haven't dug into the innards of the list software to figure out how to > stop all message traffic except the one subscription from the new list and > the archives. I don't want it

Re: CS>List is very quiet.

2021-12-04 Thread M. Devour
I haven't dug into the innards of the list software to figure out how to stop all message traffic except the one subscription from the new list and the archives. I don't want it auto-responding to sub/unsub requests, or issuing any other utility replies to messages to any of the other

CS>List is very quiet.

2021-12-03 Thread Tony Moody
To see if the list is still operational. If not then we switch from No Mail to Single OK, Tony -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Rules and Instructions: Unsubscribe:

CS>Re: CS>How many people have been murdered with the Covid-19 Vaccines? – The Expose

2021-12-02 Thread Dawn Hinkle
My question is about Collodial Silver can someone give me advice on adding kosher salt water mixture to distilled water before your CS is made? Thanks Dawn Hinkle On Wed, Dec 1, 2021, 9:08 PM T. J. Garland wrote: > No shot or booster-deadly list > >

CS>How many people have been murdered with the Covid-19 Vaccines? – The Expose

2021-12-01 Thread T. J. Garland
No shot or booster-deadly list Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. Goethe

Re: CS>Bill-gates-charged-with-murder-for-covid-19-vaccine-death-in-INDIAN-high-court-death-penalty-sought/

2021-11-30 Thread Rick
Yes, he was kicked out of both. But I think some politician in India got him back into the country. I'm sure lots of money was exchanged and given to all involved on the India side. To be truly effective, this needs to happen to him in all countries or it will be simply swept under the rug like

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2021 #379

2021-11-29 Thread Da Darrin
Thank you Tony I've been a silver list member since about the time Mike took it over and am happy to continue with this new venue. Dave On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 12:36 AM Tony Moody wrote: > > Hi Da, > > I am happy to say that both your addresses are subscribed to >

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