Re: CSLisa - orifices

2000-05-18 Thread Steve Geigle
Yes, interesting as an underarm deorderant...but I've found that it sure doesn't keep you from sweating...and by the end of the day...phew! ;-) - Original Message - From: To: Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 6:04 AM Subject: Re: CSLisa - orifices

Re: CSOff Subject-Zapper for Arthritis?

2000-05-17 Thread Steve Geigle
CMO...Victor Gammil...member of the list. One of the original producers. If you're there, Victor (or is it Vincent ;-) ...your help is requested. By the way, I buy pure MSM from the guy who holds the patent. He is in Vancouver WA and packages it for I think I pay $57 for two

Re: CSE-mail Blocker

2000-05-15 Thread Steve geigle
Downloaded the blocker and it's working great Bob. I'm using a cable modem, and regularly I see attempts by someone, somewhere to get into my computer. Kinda Scary. Thanks for the info. Cheers, Steven Geigle Cedar Mill, Oregon, USA - Original Message - From:

CSOT: Save your seeds

2000-04-29 Thread Steve geigle
From (click on just the lates) USDA Betrays Public Trust with Two New Terminator Patents Will USDA s Biotech Advisory Board Demand Accountability? The Rural Advancement Foaundation International (RAFI), an international civil society organization based in Canada, announced today

Re: CSMagnetic Stirrer

2000-04-25 Thread Steve geigle
Won't a magnetic stirrer cause the positive ions to either repel or attract toward the stirrer and maybe even plate to it? I'm assuming the stirrer itself is a plastic covered metal rod of some kind. Cheers, Steven Geigle Cedar Mill, Oregon, USA - Original Message -

Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-17 Thread Steve geigle
Speaking of Beck and Becker...just found good source for used Found two great Becker books and bought them for less than half including shipping costs. Such a deal! Also had a nasty bug try to get to me this week. Got my wife pretty bad for about 10 days, grandson,

CSFw: [colloidalsilver] Digest Number 11

2000-04-14 Thread Steve geigle
Here's some nice information from Steve Barwick who runs another silver list. He makes some very good points here. Cheers, Steven Geigle Cedar Mill, Oregon - Original Message - From: To: Sent: Friday,

CSTry this

2000-04-12 Thread Steve Geigle
and on the surface. Results still very preliminary, but before you poo-poo the idea, give it a try to see if you get the same results and report to the list. They told me my hair would get darker if I sprayed it with silver waterNOT! ;-) Yours in smurfdom. Steve Geigle Cedar Mill, Oregon sgei

CSU.S. EPA IRIS Substance file - Silver; CASRN 7440-22-4

2000-04-10 Thread Steve geigle
Thanks to Coyote Zenterprises for this great like to an EPA page on silver and argyria. Important to note, none of the studies involved pure colloidal silver. All studied silver compounds...a very important fact. Cheers,


2000-04-08 Thread Steve geigle
Marshall, I just read your great article that Dr. Horowitz has for FTP download at, but Ya know, I just don't know what the big deal is about argyria. I've been taking ag+ for two years, and I look fine! Cheers, Steven Geigle Cedar Mill, Oregon, USA

Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-07 Thread Steve geigle
Great idea, Roger. Say, why can't members of the silver list somehow produce a document explaining the benefits of CS and make it available at no cost (now there's a radical idea) to all members and others as they wish. Dumb idea or what? ;-) Cheers, Steven Geigle Cedar Mill, Oregon, USA


2000-04-06 Thread Steve Geigle
plastic gain/loose electrons (be affected by static electricity)? Isn't glass a better insulator preventing capactive or actual transfer of electrons from outside to silver ions? Cheers, Steve Geigle Hi Ya'all, Just a note on reviewing one of my many development samples

Re: cs and nail fungus

2000-04-06 Thread Steve geigle
James, try soaking the toe in hot water for a while, then soak it in good strong CS to see if that might help. Might not the MSM react with the silver in some way to render it useless? Cheers, Steven Geigle Cedar Mill, Oregon, USA - Original Message - From: James


2000-04-06 Thread Steve geigle
some info on that in my files/piles. Nalgene says that their HDPE is Excellent for the storage of DW at both 20C and 50C. James Osbourne Holmes -Original Message- From: Steve Geigle [] Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 8:21 AM To: SILVER-LIST

Re: CSseasilver

2000-04-03 Thread Steve geigle there's a scary thought. Why would I, as a person using my own puresilver (nothing but silver and distilled water) want to add ANYTHING to the batch when it has been working so well for me in preventing all kind of illness? Don't you see the beauty in the simplicity of

Re: CSMSM/allergies

2000-04-02 Thread Steve geigle
I've been getting my MSM from a very good source made in Vancouver WA. I get two pounds purse MSM for $57 and that's a very nice price. Go to They are in Portland OR. They operate out of their home and sell only the highest quality products. I also get my

CSFlue and nebulizer

1999-12-31 Thread Steve geigle
Just read another post from Dave D. Go to the local pharmacy, get a sprayer used for saline solution...get rid of the saline..wash the container...fill with CS...spray up the nose. Now I've been using a nice sprayer for a long time now...spray high test CS every day...40-100 ppm or


1999-11-21 Thread Steve geigle
My wife's natureopath recommended 1200 mg Vitamin E a day...and poof, after about 2 weeks all the hot flashes disappeared...thing of the past. . Regards, Steven J. Geigle Home Office Tel/Fax: 503.297.5587 Email: there are herbs with estrogen in them to help with the flashes

CSFw: [colloidalsilver] Digest Number 13

1999-11-18 Thread Steve geigle
Found this on another silver list. May be of interest. - Original Message - From: To: Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 2:17 AM Subject: [colloidalsilver] Digest Number 13 -

Re: CSbrown bottles and questions?

1999-10-22 Thread Steve geigle
I store my CS in dark brown beer bottles capped with spray nozzles. Once a night I just give myself a spritz down the throat and anywhere else on my old body that looks like it might benefit. I used to be able to feel my lymph glands in my neck, on the sides, under my chin, but since I've been

Re: CSOutrageous! etc.

1999-10-08 Thread Steve geigle
Marsha, I think JD was talking about me here. JD attacks the messenger if he doesn't like the message. But I know the basic cause of the attack..the root feeling that drives the response. Fear is a product of selfish ambition and it causes us do and say fearful things. So, I won't return the

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V99 #636

1999-10-08 Thread Steve geigle
Marsha. Again, a good example of fear-based emotional reaction. Some people can't handle the truth. I bet you're a very happy person! Chuck, If you're survival depends on CS salesrethink it. Regards, Steven J. Geigle, CSHM Email: Marsha, Pay someone to reroof your

Re: CS[Fwd: Re: Colitis,Making a drug of CS]

1999-10-08 Thread Steve geigle
Bob. I think we will continue to see CS on the shelf. A good thing. CS manufacturers just can't make certain claims. I think it can still be sold as a dietary supplement. Afterall, soils are depleted. I purchase and have benefitted from T.J. Clark's Colloidal Minerals for quite some time.


1999-10-08 Thread Steve geigle
James helped me realize I might have given a false impression I think ALL sellers of CS are evil, and that I didn't care if they went out of business. I want to apologize if I offended those who are selling CS at a fair price. I visited Jame's website and was impressed. He sells CS and

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V99 #636

1999-10-07 Thread Steve geigle
Hi from a long time lurker! Looks like the FDA has clamped down. But, I think the new rule is fair and will help to keep manufacturers and sellers of CS honest. Personally, I think it's incredible what most are charging for CS per ounce. I make my CS with a good old Robey generator for pennies


1999-08-08 Thread Steve geigle
Hi folks. I'm a lurker...update once in a while. Been using CS for a year now. Prior to using, I suffered from chronic sinus infection. I've been making my own CS, applying as a spray once a day prior to sleeping, and have no no sinus infection year. That is quite a wonderful track


1998-12-26 Thread Steve Geigle
My M.D. friend has a terrible cold and is using CS. Anyone have info on what has worked for them to beat the cold. Have you used a zapper with the CS. Hurry...he's really sick and taking care of his wife who has MS. Regards, Steven Geigle Portland, Oregon USA (503) 297-5587

Re: CSIs This List Active?

1998-12-19 Thread Steve Geigle
Just joined myself. Use a Robey Delux CS generator and seeing benefits already. I was told this list was quite busy...looking for it. Regards, Steven Geigle Portland, Oregon USA (503) 297-5587 -Original Message- From: Ron Cuthbertson To: