Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct.
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse,
a mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the
traditional medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and
remedies. My family and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional
medications. A co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15
month old son got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began
daycare several weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep
throat and bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed
antibiotics and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he
came down with a fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was
diagnosed with another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier
antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's
best for my son, but super reluctant to go through a whole new course of
antibiotics just 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I did some research online
about the colloidal silver, and I decided to go out and buy some. I also
picked up the Augmentin, since I have no experience with the silver, and I
gave him both. I used drops in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp by mouth. I
also took 1 tsp, and gave my husband several tspns, as he is also ill.
Today I was pretty surprised to see that there just doesn't seem to be a
lot of information out there about colloidal silver. I know that it is used
in the ointment on newborns eyes after they are born, and also read that
Nasa uses it to purify water. I don't doubt that it is beneficial. I am
curious as to how beneficial. Could it be a cure for HIV//cancer? Also
agraria- is this common? Should I be worried? Of course, I don't want my
baby's skin to turn blue! Then I read that it can cause neurological issues
like seizures. Does anyone have any evidence to support harmful side
effects? Any success stories? Sorry so long... Looking to forward to
hearing from you.
