This question came from another cs group and I thought it was worth
posting here. I will post any answers to the other group.
Sam L.

[Asking for a friend who asked me this question, and not having any
personal experience with babies and cs, I thought I'd ask the most
knowledgable cs group on the net. The baby has urine reflux, the urine
backs up into the kidneys, and her doctor has put the baby on
anti-biotics to keep bacteria out of the urine so it won't
invade/infect the kidneys. The anti-biotics are causing problems with
yeast in the baby, and both mother and child have thrush. The baby is
breast fed, so would ingestion by the mother help get cs into the
baby, or should the baby be given cs doses (I thought maybe a dropper
three times a day)? Any input from those with experience in this
matter would be greatly appreciated. She's already cut down the
anti-biotics to every other day and would like to stop them completely.
Thanks in advance, Kat]


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