Okay, Rowena, I've checked, and the "To" line includes "silver-list@eskimo.com 
and new...@internode.on.net  Please help me by telling me what you see.  Here 
is my original response to Max, repeated here because I believe at least some 
in the group will be interested in our experience experimenting on 


 First, Max - thank you for your well-thought-out comments through all the 
idiocy that's been going on on this list regarding the Wuhan Virus.  Yes, I 
call it that.  Viruses for decades have been named for the area they were first 
identified - Lyme (Connecticut) Disease; Ebola (Africa); Middle East 
Respiratory Syndrome; Hong Kong Flu, German Measles.  I refuse to bow to the 
political pressure that China put on the WHO (which originally named it Wuhan 
Virus, as I recall) to label it differently. 


Second, in this post, you describe a sort of "hyper-immune dysfunction" as the 
culprit in deaths, not the virus.  Many years ago, I learned a fair amount 
about the Herxheimer reaction, when someone begins a treatment, which first 
makes them sicker before they get better.  I actually believe that someone I 
know, who started treatment for her condition (I can't recall what that was), 
became incredibly ill, and died within days.  This was an 83-year-old with 
multiple health conditions.  I have long believed that she died, not from the 
condition, but from the treatment that was administered.  Is the reaction that 
you have described similar, or the same, as a Herxheimer? 


Finally, I wanted to concur with your comments about Ivermectin.  My husband 
and I (ages 69 and 72) came in casual contact in January with two children who 
ended up being sent home from school the following day, having tested positive 
for the Wuhan Virus.  As I have long been interested in experimenting with 
alternatives to pharmaceuticals, I had been following several paths that 
doctors in the field, working with the actual patients, were trying.  When we 
were told of our possible exposure, I contacted our PCP.  It took a lot of time 
to find one who could prescribe when necessary, but did not view the 
prescription pad as his first option for treatment.  I explained our situation, 
and asked him what he thought of the protocol recommended by the FLCCC.  
Without hesitation, he said go for it, and issued the Ivermectin prescriptions. 
 We have been diligently following that protocol since January.  As the FLCCC 
has made adjustments in the recommendations, we have adjusted.  Just met with 
our PCP last week.  We were able to report absolutely no problems with the 
virus.  The two girls both got it, as did their two sisters and mother - all 
experiencing varying degrees of the illness.  We were also able to report 
improvements in other areas - the Melatonin megadose (I could only fine 10mg 
locally) has helped with our sleep; and the Magnesium has helped my husband's 
night-time leg cramps (as well as other.....basic body functions).  Our Vitamin 
D3 levels (4,000 iu daily) are finally showing we're no longer deficient.   


We travel full-time in our motorhome, and as I've done my research, I think 
there's enough evidence that this protocol may be boosting our immune system to 
levels that are helping to protect us from other ailments.  Shingles comes 
immediately to mind; possibly tick-borne ailments (we're in wooded areas a 
LOT); etc.  The PCP concurred, and issued new prescriptions for the 
prophylactic FLCCC protocol - as well as a "stockpile" prescription for the 
protocol if we develop symptoms but are unable to access appropriate medical 
care wherever we happen to be.  I haven't tried to fill both of those at the 
same time - we'll see how that goes. 


Because we're on the road all the time, I've accumulated a stockpile of various 
herbs, supplements, vitamins, and essential oils to address many medical 
conditions ourselves when we don't know about local health care.  I also carry 
several devices, including the ability to make CS; TENS unit; Mag Pulser, etc.  
So far, we've been incredibly healthy for our age group, so I've had little 
need for testing out most of that stuff.  Should we encounter a medical 
condition, I'd have to bring myself up-to-date, and learn all about the 
options.  So, part of my "traveling stock" includes reference material - books, 
eBooks, and articles in computer files.   


That's all for now.  Thank you, Max, for remaining sane in your responses to 
the idiocy.  I appreciate it very much. 




From: "Rowena" <new...@internode.on.net> 

 Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 7:58 am 

 To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

 Subject: Re: CS>Thanks, Neville. Now, where are my other two posts? 

 If you just  hit reply, you are liable to find you  have answered only 

the person who wrote that post. 


My previous reply didn't show up either, I  had just hit reply without 

all the fiddle my email program puts me through. Check the To line and 

you may find you have to modify it. 




Hi all. 



On 28/07/2021 7:53 am, Linda Ellis wrote: 

> I'm glad to see that I'm still here, but I'm still concerned about my other 
> two recent posts. 





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