I didn't always agree with Mike, I felt he stood sometimes on the fine line 
between benign indifference and depraved indifference but maintaining this list 
was doubtless his way of giving back, and he did it. Few people do. Thanks 
again Mike, and happy trails
I unsubscribed to the silverlist three years ago. I wanted to try my best to 
create a body of information, good, honest, scientifically supported knowledge 
about how to create the best process for making colloidal silver. The 
silverlist was not the place to do that. When I, and many others, attempted to 
discuss the more technical details involved in the process, we would see 
messages complaining of nerds, technocrats and other undesirable characters 
ruining the list. The more scientifically inclined members finally gave up and 
left. Old-timers on the list will remember these people. I found a forum called 
goldismoney2.com. It is populated by people who have been smart enough to 
invest some money in precious metals. They have a sub forum called "the coffee 
shack" and within that forum is another sub forum "Alt Medicine/Coll Silver". I 
Started a thread there called "the art of making colloidal silver". I published 
what I had found out and invited others to contribute whatever they could to 
help advance the art. In the three years it has run it has been very successful 
with over 18,000 individual views. I gained a great deal of knowledge from the 
contribution of people to this thread. The knowledge gained enabled me to 
design and produce a colloidal silver generator that will make electrically 
Isolated Silver in the strength of 50 ppm ionic. Those of you on the silverlist 
who are interested in making the very best colloidal silver that you can might 
consider examining this resource.
Jason, if you decide to take over the list let me wish you well. You have made 
great contributions to the cause of colloidal silver over the years and I could 
think of no one better. Better you than me.