Dear group,

To paraphrase Twain:

Reports of the list's death are greatly exaggerated.

I have to apologize. There was a glitch, an invalid assumption, 
followed by an oversight, before, finally, resolution...

There are two separate fees I pay at different times during the year to 
Eskimo North to host the group... One is for my user account; the 
second for hosting the silverlist web and e-mail domains.

The latter expired without my receiving the usual advance warning 
message(s) due to human error at Eskimo. Glitch.

When a member kindly brought to my attention that the web page wasn't 
loading, I contacted support to find out what the problem was, and 
requested the renewal. I assumed, inadvisedly as it turns out, that the 
web page would be restored shortly -- I had to call again just today to 
get them to process my payment and reactivate the domain names, which 
are now working.

Assumption, oversight, resolution...

While the domains were temporarily unhosted, it appears the list itself 
still worked for existing members, but access to the list server 
control addresses was interrupted, causing some subscription attempts 
to fail.

Please, if you've been trying to help friends join the group, let them 
know that the problem was temporary and is now repaired.

The web pages are back up, which allows me to remind anyone who's new 
or has forgotten, that the list rules can be found at ... Look particularly at the Prohibited Topics 
section, please?

I would appreciate it now if the "Native American stories" thread can 
be retired very soon. It's indeed pleasant to realize the diversity of 
our membership, but the tendency of the topic to draw in elements of 
politics and religion makes it ultimately unsuitable for the main list. 
The Off Topic List is, however, available for anyone who wishes to 
continue the discussion.

Please limit your further contributions to the thread and refrain from 
responding to others who may post before seeing this message.


I apologize for not being more diligent so as to prevent this problem 
to begin with -- and communicative enough to reassure everyone that the 
problem was not... fatal. I can only plead that I'm busy as hell right 
now and have to husband my time and energy carefully to get everything 
done and still at least minimally meet my commitments to you and others 
who depend on me.

Things will improve, in time. Meanwhile, I thank you for your patience.


Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour <>