Greetings list folk,

Well, I made a mistake this afternoon and need to apologize.

I saw Jack responding to a message from Filip in which Filip was 
replying to some remarks Cliff Hume apparently made in an off-list 
communication. I failed to read all the way down in Filip's message to 
the quoted message that was clearly labelled as coming from Cliff, and 
mistakenly assumed that Filip's response was directed at Jack.

Jack, I apologize. My mistake.

You wrote:
> Back off -- you are the guest here

You did take it upon yourself to comment on Filip's behavior, which put 
you in harm's way when I screwed up. I'll remind you and everyone that 
List Cop is my job and to send such remarks to me, privately. 

Filip, you made the faux pas of posting a private communication 
publicly *and* further set me up for this demonstration of "dumb 
listowner tricks" by not clearly labelling the quoted text embedded in 
your reply as to who wrote it, as follows:

> Collopidal Silver can be produced for pennies per ounce, what would
> make the silver produced in that communist nation worth thirty-five
> Euros, a funny money currency worth more than US Fiat currency? That is
> something deserving of a little thought. 

If I did read the whole message I'd have caught it, so my fault, but 
the habit of so labelling quoted text will go a long way to prevent 
this kind of confusion on the part of your readers.

I won't comment on Cliff's remarks other than to say that you can write 
anything you want to in private e-mail and it's none of my business --  
unless or until the recipient complains to me. Offline behavior toward 
other list members does count in those circumstances, so Be Nice, as 
Jack would say.


Another day, another episode of List Owner Follies. <grin>

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner (and all that other jazz...)

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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