In a message dated 9/25/2010 12:01:02 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

 In the past I posted my mix [2007/04/01] .  I use  approx.[amounts can 
vary,still effective] 2 oz of EIS, add 1 tspn MSM,1 tspn  Xylitol,1/4 tspn 
DMSO,4 drops of H2O2[hydrogen peroxide]. Shake well and use  a nasal sprayer 

I just got this from a friend---Would this work for a  child ??? or does 
anyone have any ideas...Thanks, Lois
    Lois, Have you heard of any natural way to relieve  people 
(specifically my 4 year old daughter) of seasonal asthma / allergies? We  had 
her at 
Women & Children's a couple of weeks ago because we couldn't get  her breathing 
under control with her albuterol. She actually had to be  admitted and we 
stayed the night, HORRIBLE. We love Children's Hospital though.  Anyway, they 
want us to put her on an inhaler called Flovent, 2 puffs twice a  day, FOR 
A YEAR! I really HATE pumping these drugs into her little lungs  when it's 
only a seasonal problem 2-3 times a year! This was our 4th trip to  
Children's (over the last couple of years) because of her breathing, but  
they get it under control and send us home with a script for Prednisone.  
HELP!!!!! Any  ideas?