Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Could CS be used to mask the human sent for hunting.
Have always used CS on boat for any skin cuts or from hooks.
Used CS in holding tank stops smell even when I go all Summer without a pump 
Any place I have a mold problem I clean then spray with CS and let dry.
Stops mold till CS is washed off.

I know this is off subject but can any one point me in right direction.
Looking for a cartoon where a guy agrees to give up hunting for fishing.
Close up sees him pumping a fishing rod with some thing strong on other end
And talking about how much fun it is. Camera backs up and shows him in a lawn 
Fishing out of the back of a pickup truck hauling in a deer on land. He finaly 
gets deer in
Clubs it and hollers to wife in tent that he has another catch for her to 
Used to have this one, any one seen it please send me link PLEASE.
Just a cartoon don't any one get upset.  PLEASE


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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