Marshall wrote:

> I have a friend who is a dentist.  He claims that amalgam fillings are
> horrible and cause terrible problems.  He said though that if a dentist
> that they are toxic to a patient, or removes them for any reason other
> cosmetic, they will get their license revoked.  The ADA is scared that if
> admit the truth then they will be liable for millions in lawsuits, so they
> continue poisoning people to cover it up.

Three cheers for your friend. In 1972 after childbirth, I needed lots of
dental work in California. I choose the dentist who did all the work for $
350.-- over the dental group who wanted $ 1100,-- for the same work
(detailed written estimate from both). The deciding factor was my reasoning:
I'm going to get .... by both...., I might as well go with the one that ....
does it cheaper.

 I was scheduled for root canal in 1974. This prompted me to do some
research. One book stopped me cold:
The Tooth Trip: An Oral Experience
McGuire, Thomas, D.D.S.

He explained how their "oath" on ethics PREVENTS/FORBIDS them to talk
negative about another dentist's work (in general) and that of course comes
from the ADA.
I came away reading that book feeling that ' one dentist only fixes the work
of another' and that it is a vicious cycle. Also he made it clear that most
dentists do not clean out cavities properly and therefore a cavity starts
anew and works its way out from and around the "fixed" portion. And of
course your dentist tries to tell you, hey man, it's your fault.....

>From that day on, whenever I saw a dentist/doctor, he/she was MY client. I
paid for it and I demanded to KNOW. I made the decisions and they did it my
way or not at all.



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