Dr Mercola has a free section to learn about EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique.
It has to do with finger tapping on pressure points and saying affirmations 
(drastically simplified explanation).  
Simple and supposedly effective.
There are some EFT therapists who can transfer the effects to other bodies - 
both human and pets.
There are group clinics where interesting beneficial effects reportedly occur.

I printed a few free pages about EFT and plan to sit down and try the therapy.
I have NOT tried this therapy.  
I'll let y'all know if I think it's worth a grain of salt.
I'm a Christian, so I want to have my affirmations more related to my 
relationship with the Almighty and my purpose for being here and now.
It's worth looking at.  There are many testimonials to the positive.
http://www.mercola.com/forms/eftcourse.htm site for EFT therapy.

I'm so sorry to hear about this latest case of autism - which is likely the 
effect of vaccines.
15-20 years ago, there was a large amount of autism in boys around St. Paul, MN.
My brother's 2 sons are both "not normal".  
One is 6'3" and nearly 21.  What a handful!
The younger is around 16 and worse.  Brilliant but crazy.
This syndrome also manifested in my brother's wife's family.  
Her brother's son was such a problem!  Not retarded, but just out-of-control.
My brother's middle daughter was somewhat normal, but possibly over-developed.
At 12, she was 6' and very curvaceous and advanced for her age.
They've had many problems as a family.
My brother thought he was bi-polar and later got into drugs from back surgeries.
He became a crack addict (with a MBA degree and family!).
He's recovering, away from his wife and family.
This is so sad because these are good people.  
To have their sons born idiots is so difficult to live with.
Now a new baby girl was born to my youngest brother's wife a few days ago.  
I shudder to think of what the drs might do to my little niece, Grace Katherine 
with the red, curly hair.

BTW- Hey, can someone tell me what EIS and DW mean?
I'm new here and struggling to keep up.
I've been kind of ill and had surgery, so it's not as easy to figure everything 
Thank you all and Blessings,

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ch...@comcast.net 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 9:07 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Autism

  Does anyone know of an effective treatment for Autism? 

  Mercola just sent this out today:
