I would like to ask this list for opinions about this organization and its strategy of supporting DSHEA as a way to oppose Codex restrictions. I wonder specifically whether the term 'dietary supplements' is meant to include herbal medicines and homeopathics.
Wondering if there's a better organization to work with.

From: "Patrick McGrath, Citizens for Health" <i...@healthactioncenter.org>
Subject: Codex Action Alert - Support World Health

You might have heard rumors about the international rulemaking process known as Codex Alimentarius, or "Food Code". This July, commissioners from all over the world will meet in Rome to decide upon a global standard for the vitamin and mineral trade.

Support world health and make sure that we maintain our open access to dietary supplements.

Cottablishing the world's regulatory model for vitamins, minerals, and eventually all dietary supplements.

TAKE ACTION! (http://www.healthactioncenter.com/ctt.asp?u=3826125&l=95560) Promote health choice worldwide. Tell the U.S. Codex delegation and Congress to make our law, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) the international standard for dietary supplement trade.

As it stands today, the standards that the Codex Alimentarius commission is proposing will treat nutrients like toxic chemicals and, unlike U.S. law, will establish upper potency limits. Send a letter today to postpone acceptance of the Codex guidelines until the following issues are revisited: the role of dietary supplements in optimal health, worldwide hunger and nutrition, and the appropriate science model for nutrients.

Take action today to support DSHEA as the international standard for the dietary supplement trade.

The U.S. Congress passed DSHEA by unanimous consent with the support of millions of Americans in order to protect our health choice. DSHEA is a safe and sound model that works. The U.S. Codex delegation has a consumer and Congressional mandate to acknowledge and defend the basic principles of DSHEA and should labor to ensure that no trade-related barriers are erected between us and safe, innovative, and effective dietary supplements.

It is crucial that you send your letter today. The commissions will be meeting on July 4th-make sure your voice is heard before then!

While any change in U.S. law requires an act of Congress, it is important that we act now to establish a model for international dietary supplement regulation that protects consumers' health rights. Act now!

Send your letter today, and be sure to tell your friends about this important issue!


Thank you again,

Patrick McGrath
Associate Director
Citizens for Health

ps. Your donations make Citizens for Health possible. To keep the Voice of the Natural Health Consumer strong, make a contribution today (http://www.healthactioncenter.com/ctt.asp?u=3826125&l=95561).
The Health Action Center is a joint effort of The Campaign for Better Health and Citizens for Health. We provide you with a way to easily send emails and faxes to support healthier choices and practical solutions to solve our nation's serious healthcare crisis.

FEEDBACK: If you need to get in contact with us (if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the list itself), send an email to comme...@healthactioncenter.org.


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