the only thing i can find in my silverlist files about using CS concurrently
with combo Tx for hepC is this post below.
encouraging, but i'd like to find a few more encouraging stories etc before
i chance it.
does anyone know, or has anyone observed over recent times, where folks have
used CS concurrently with the Tx and how did it go?
i stopped swallowing CS the day before starting Tx.  i'm concerned that the
silver might work to detriment the drugs somehow... don't want to go through
it all and turn out to have shot myself in the foot so to speak.  i'll be
starting Boceprevir at week 4 if i respond to inf/riba by then.
i have dental infections needing silver until the dentist can intervene.
rinsing mouth isn't good enough.  i want my CS waaahhhhh!!!  other issues
that the silver keeps away are now arising, like slight sciatica... keeping
up CS would certainly help with the ride.
bob Larson


From: Scott [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:37 PM
To: Silver List
Subject: CS>CS and HCV - UNDETECTABLE!!!!

I wanted to update you on the young man that I mentioned a couple of days
ago who said he had "cleared virus" which usually means that the patient
responded to  the interferon treatment (chemo) and it has gone dormant.  

Well, I asked this 26 year old whether or not he had "cleared virus" or was
it undetectable.  He said he wasn't sure but the got said he had no trace of
it.  I asked  the patient to get his most recent lab work and ask his doctor
if he meant that the virus was dormant (indicative of a "responder" to chemo
treatment) or was it undetectable.  He returned from seeing the doctor
yesterday and reported to me that the doctor said the Hepatitis C Virus is
"UNDETECTABLE" meaning that it appears as if he had never had Hep C.  Well,
unbeknownst to the doctor, the patient had taken approximately 16oz of
colloidal silver for about 3-4 weeks with his last dose of CS being about 2
weeks ago - he drank about 1 liter in two days.  This was done during weeks
6 thru 10 of the chemo.  Go figure, this kid was a borderline stage 3-4
liver disease with only about 25-30% of his liver functioning.  Well, as far
as we know, the liver is still damaged but the virus is GONE!!!!  This is
phenomenal seeing how  approximately 95% of our clients are HCV+.  Now there
really is hope for those who suffer from viral hepatitis and probably HIV.
This is great!!!  Anyhow, I want to thank Terry Chamberlain for his
suggestions and support.  I hope and pray that this is something that people
start paying attention to so that others have this same opportunity.

This young man, who is grateful beyond words, has a renewed hope that he can
live another day and tell others his story.  He has a wife and two young
children who are gleaming with joy!  God bless!

In His Service,
Scott Young<><


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