Tony, almost everything you say below is wrong and I feel dumber for having 
read it.



Hallo David.

You fell into that one quite well. !

It works. You cannot argue with that. You can poo-poo it  in any way you like, 
but you are a
fool if you think you can make the fact go away by denigration.

Have you had a think about why my weak EIS should work?
Have you had a think about why your "strong" EIS is not working?  I assume that 
yours is not
working because you seem to be chasing some newer, stronger method.

There is sometimes a need for high ppm silver but that is not something I'm 

I think you have an unscientific grasp of what ppm means.
Let me enlighten you; ppm is not quantity, ppm is a measure of concentration, 
ppm stands
for parts per million. : If I have stuff which has a concentration of 1 lump 
per million of the mix
and I want to have 2 lumps then I must scoop out 2 million of the mix.



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