Pam Whitmire wrote:
> I totally agree with Ron. The homosexual thing is WAY off topic - if
> we are about to become activists or whatever, I'm outta here.

Pam already shot me a private note apologizing for commenting on the 
off topic thread (after I'd asked folks not to). Of course, everyone 
won't see the moderator's reactions until they get caught up to the 
latest e-mail.

Which is why I'd like to suggest:

1) Please wait until you are fully caught up with your mail before 
you respond to any problems or conflicts on the list.

2) In general, please do *not* respond to problems or conflicts 
on-list, at least until I've had ample chance to deal with them. 

3) Send your complaints to *me*. That's what moderators are for!

4) Be patient and allow things to die down, as it is inevitable that 
some people will not follow 1, and 2, or 3 above. <grin>

Oft' times I'll send a little note off-list and head off bigger 
problems. If needed I'll put something on-list as a general reminder 
and to reassure everyone that the problem's been dealt with.

Off topic postings on off topic postings are redundantly repetitive 
and do not solve the problem!

Believe me folks, this is *not* the hardest group of people in the 
world to deal with. I'm grateful to you all for your cooperativeness 
and good natures. Bless.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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