Could you email me about how to go about purchasing some orgonite? I would like 
to remove some negative energy.

-----Original Message-----
>From: bodhisattva <bodhisat...@mutemail.com>
>Sent: Apr 24, 2010 11:14 AM
>To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Subject: Re: CS>Orgonite/Marshall
>I was going to mention stuff like this, but I didn't want to creep 
>anyone out. Last night I was going to post the kinds of things I have to 
>do physically to shore myself up in this line of work, and if I mess up 
>it becomes obvious at times. I'm not sure I can put this in a way that 
>is very basic, and doesn't create fear in people, or sound ridiculous to 
>others. This is going to be long, and fast, take what you want, ignore 
>what you don't want. Trust, but verify everything I say with your own 
>intuition and other sources, I welcome it.
>Basically, there appears to be a sort of campaign to reduce our 
>physical, mental, and spiritual defenses over time, a type of 
>conditioning. Much of this probably orchestrated by unseen negative 
>forces manipulating people that themselves, have fallen from grace, lost 
>discernment, etc.  Spirit is in your blood, and it is clear there is an 
>effect to degrade spirit directly and indirectly. When you put aborted 
>fetus tissue into vaccinations, pig tissue and animal DNA into shots, 
>then inject it into blood (spirit), the outcome is not good, these are 
>abominations to the most high.  This is a war against God, and his 
>people(you), make no mistake about it. Sticking your head in the sand 
>won't offer you any protection, taking back your power, and asserting it 
>will. /"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."/
>I bless all of my food I put into my body, without exception, and I have 
>more than enough affirmations this is beneficial. On a physical level, I 
>don't get food poisoning or stomach issues(ever), on a spiritual level 
>it increases the "Vibes" of food, and removes dark signatures.  Last 
>year I ate out with some people, all of us got the same thing mostly, I 
>was the only one blessing my food and sprinkling holy water on it. The 
>next day, everyone was quite sick with food poisoning but me, I was just 
>fine. A lot of stuff comes through on the food, especially food handled 
>by negative/cursed/possessed people, or meats from animals that have 
>been traumatized or lived lives of suffering and abuse.  You can make a 
>profound difference in your life doing this.  I also bless all groceries 
>before they enter my home, and keep a nice chunk of Orgonite in the 
>"Fridge" to keep the vibes up in there.  (People come over and comment 
>how crazy good the food tastes)
>What I think this also comes down to is the fact that things either 
>increase our energy field, or reduce them.  This is our "Force Field" in 
>life, and offers us protection from malefic forces. Much of these things 
>are mere energy parasites looking for a lunch, some are more serious.  
>Drugs, alcohol, tainted foods, vaccinations, toxins of all types, 
>additives, preservatives, and a plethora of other things all conspire to 
>disrupt our force field and make us "Batteries" for unseen forces.  More 
>than this, our emotions, thoughts, and actions in life also contribute 
>to this.  If you are loving, and filled with joy, you aren't an 
>acceptable lunch, if you are fearful and angry, you are amazingly 
>delicious to them.  If you have sex for lust and anger, they congregate, 
>if you "Enjoy Love" with others, they flee. Pride and Guilt are also 
>effective tools against people, transmute your guilt for anything you've 
>done to "Regret", which means you learned and moved on and it cannot be 
>held against you.  Convert pride to Gratitude, and unlock the bounty of 
>grace that comes with it. Don't say "I am proud of my country" say "I 
>have gratitude for what is good in this country.".  Pride is the 
>luciferian deception, and excessive pride can be motivated into a fall 
>from grace through grandiosity and arrogance.
>Meat avoidance can be beneficial because slaughterhouses have a lot of 
>Jinn hanging around in them, and quite a number of people I would deem 
>cursed.  Organic+Kosher is wise in this case, at least a Rabbi goes and 
>clears the Jinn out of the factory once a month. The only Red Meat I 
>will put into my body comes from here: http://www.dakotabeefcompany.com/ 
>The CEO of the company discovered that motorized vehicles used to round 
>up cattle "Stressed" them and led to lower quality meat. So they hire 
>real Cowboys to herd their cattle. They have very human practices, and 
>their cattle live healthy drug free lives in the sunshine eating grass.  
>It has been beneficial switching to extremely high quality stuff.  Did 
>you know Hindus have a ritual where they slaughter thousands of animals 
>each year and offer them to the "Jinn"?  The principle behind this is 
>that the Jinn enjoy trauma, even from animals, and will "Thank" the 
>humans doing this by giving them useless physical trinkets or other 
>gifts.  They are fakers, they don't  have divine power, and they rely on 
>this kind of energy to continue their manifestation on this planet - CUT 
>IT OFF.  You kill a beast by removing it's food source.
>As I noted before, I have read old journals of the first explorers.  
>Native Tribes didn't eat as much meat as you think, the primary reason 
>is groups of thousands of them would exhaust the supply in days if they 
>did this, they understood that it was something that was best in 
>moderation.  But they also had practices that were deemed beneficial 
>spiritually, they wouldn't consume already dead animals, and if they did 
>kill something to eat it, they would carefully bury the bones and 
>anything they didn't use because they considered the "Trauma" left on 
>the creature shouldn't be spread around.  I am not saying I advocate an 
>entirely Vegan diet, but I think we need to be extremely careful about 
>what we place into our bodies. This is a pretty good write up about this 
>kind of stuff:  
>Cursed objects have some of their bases in people that don't even know 
>they are carriers of dark energy.  Everything they touch sort of takes 
>on a lower vibration, and impacts those around them.  A cook in a diner 
>that beats his wife, abuses his kids, and gets drunk every night isn't 
>someone you want touching your hamburger, you know? Certainly wouldn't 
>want him performing surgery on you, or working on your car or home, 
>right?  You can offset much of this by blessing everything, but it is 
>wise to avoid it in the first place.  At the same time, someone 
>reasonably pure vibrationally, and spiritually powerful sort of 
>"Blesses" everything they touch, and everywhere they go. This is why the 
>world around you changes based on who you are, and what you've become, 
>and this is why your own personal spiritual growth and evolution is a 
>powerful tool - with or without you realizing it. You want a chair made 
>by Christ, not a chair made by some lady forced into abusive labor 
>conditions in China, there is a difference.  St. Francis had two major 
>attempts on his life, in one the bread was poisoned, as he blessed it a 
>crow swooped in and carried off the piece of bread.  The second time his 
>tea was poisoned, he blessed it, and the cup cracked in half and tea 
>spilled on the ground.  The Franciscan Monks trying to poison him knew 
>then, he was under the grace of the Most High. Be St. Francis, bless 
>your stuff, everything in your life, even your family and friends - 
>you'll make a difference, I promise.
>I don't want to go into too much in one post, but dark arts (Black 
>Magic) relies on many factors that are frankly, out of the control of 
>the black magician. I know some real dark witches, and I know their 
>spells can have very real, and often dangerous effects, and have seen 
>more than enough to convince me of it.. In fact, I absolutely think they 
>are */dangerous/* people to be around because of this, and will not 
>associate with them even if they are relatives/family.  Anyway, I also 
>know, they have limitations to what they can do and who they can do them 
>to, because their power isn't true spiritual power from God but 
>manifestations of dark energies. (Jinns) Free will, belief systems, and 
>a whole bunch of things have to be considered.  Without going into all 
>of that here, suffice it to say it /*benefits you greatly*/ to be a 
>loving, kind and joyful person in life, that sort of defeats most of the 
>effects of their jinn activity. Also it is very important in who you 
>choose to hang around with, people can carry dark clouds with them, 
>everywhere they go.  At the same time, you can carry love and joy where 
>you go, and offset a vast amount of this rubbish.
>Prior to the orgonite thing, spiritual warriors and saints had to spend 
>/TREMENDOUS/ amounts of time and energy protecting themselves and 
>others.  It was exhausting, and most succumbed to illnesses of various 
>types, a lot of saints of old were physically degraded from long bouts 
>of warfare. They literally exhausted a ton of their divine power by 
>doing this.  Orgonite has changed all of this, it creates a sort of 
>energetic barrier that gives you somewhat of a break from the defensive 
>aspects so you can focus on beneficial things, or offense.  It's a very 
>very dangerous metamaterial for the negative forces in my experience, 
>for this very reason.  If you aren't oppressed physically and 
>spiritually  you can grow, evolve, and connect to your spiritual power 
>and inner grace. This is why I produce orgonite, why I use it, and why I 
>recommend it.  If you are extremely spiritually powerful, without any 
>character flaws, and have a great constitution and diet, you don't need 
>orgonite - period.  But not a whole lot of people qualify for all of 
>those conditions, which is why it is beneficial for virtually anyone in 
>my experience.  At some point if you do evolve to those levels, then you 
>can give the stuff away and go to work.  But even still, it's probably a 
>good "Tool" to keep around, sort of like holy water and crosses, you 
>know?  A soldier doesn't toss out his rifle, even if he is a black belt 
>in Judo and a swordmaster.
>All for now. Sorry for rambling, but I hope someone gains something 
>useful out of this.
>Bob Banever wrote:
>> Marshall,
>>         Many years ago I studied and lived in a macrobiotic community 
>> and the teacher, Michio Kushi, said something that stuck with me.  He 
>> said those that experience the devil eat the devil... meaning if you 
>> eat unwholesome, unnatural, chemicalized foods, or meat, you are prone 
>> to experience these things.  Clean yourself out, eat organically grown 
>> foods and whole grains (macrobiotics is big on brown rice and other 
>> whole grains), and you will not only experience physical regeneration, 
>> but psychological and spiritual regeneration as well.  You cannot 
>> ignore your body.... a healthy body leads to a healthy mind free to 
>> enjoy life to it's fullest, unencumbered by evil thoughts, anger, or 
>> spirits.  Grow your body and mind from the ground up, like a tree 
>> trunk, and make yourself impervious to these things.  It works, trust me.
>> Bob
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marshall Dudley" 
>> <mdud...@king-cart.com>
>> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
>> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 9:53 PM
>> Subject: Re: CS>Orgonite/Marshall
>>> bodhisattva wrote:
>>>> I do not recommend you try entity removal yourself unless you are 
>>>> absolutely sure of your spiritual power - and have no major doubts 
>>>> or chinks in your armor. (character flaws)
>>> I agree with you there.   I don't have that much trouble with evil 
>>> spirits, basically human spirits that were wicked when alive, I find 
>>> that asking for protection and surrounding oneself with light works 
>>> quite well and I keep my home filled with orgonite so they can't get 
>>> me or my wife when I am not paying attention. Also I have a very 
>>> powerful guardian angel.  However I will NOT take on demons.  If they 
>>> can't get you directly they will go after loved ones and friends.  I 
>>> simply cannot expose my family and friends to anything like that.  
>>> Our paranormal group has lost two members to demons, a priest and a 
>>> demonologist when they did exorcisms.   I have only taken on one 
>>> demon and that was by accident, didn't know what we were dealing with 
>>> until after the fact, and we did not take it on directly, but rather 
>>> were working to free subordinate spirits from its grasp, and had 
>>> asked it to be bound until the captured spirits could go to the 
>>> light, which most did.  One of the most amazing set of recordings we 
>>> have ever gotten, as 16 or so spirits saw the light, were greeted by 
>>> loved ones, and proceeded to the light, with us recording what they 
>>> had to say the whole time.  Anyway once we were done apparently the 
>>> demonic presence was released, but had lost most of its power without 
>>> the subjugated spirits, and was really pissed.  He was throwing 
>>> dishes and silverware all over the house and the people had to leave 
>>> eventually abandoning the house.  That was before we knew about 
>>> orgonite.
>>> We have some members that I feel are reckless that will challenge a 
>>> spirit, and try to really provoke it. There is one spirit at TMG that 
>>> resides in the lady's bathroom that has scratched 3 of our 
>>> investigators at different times when they provoked it. I feel that 
>>> is lowering your vibration and opening yourself up for attack and 
>>> will not do it, and have never been attacked. I would never ask to be 
>>> attacked or provoke, but some of the fellow investigators do, and I 
>>> think it is foolish.
>>> I will be contacting you off list to order.  Also I would like to 
>>> discuss the construction of the hhg with you, I think I have an 
>>> arrangement of the crystals that actually improves the unit and 
>>> reduces the number of crystals needed by one. All that I made used 
>>> this arrangement. Check your discernment/intuition on it and see if 
>>> you find the same thing.
>>> Marshall
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