As our researches relating to this protocol
incorporated (as one of the modalities) the use of the basic system
employed to drive the Air Brush system we originally used in delivering
CS for pulmonary challenges......I hope it can be legitimately submitted
to this, rather than the Off-Topic list.
                            Essentially, this is research originally
inspired by William Campbell Douglass's work and more recently by Dr. E.
W. Mcdonagh.  One of our staff has had a lingering interest in Exercise
With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) for the past several years.  Recently he
conducted some limited, but promising, anecdotal research evaluating the
prospects of this type protocol improving the restoration of saging
arterial oxygen pressure.....and hence improved oxygen extraction in the
                The oxygen release pressure for an average 30 yr. old
person is around 55 mm and for a typical 70 year old......about 35 mm.
This decrease has an enormous effect upon the oxygen TRANSFER efficiency
into the body's CELLS.
For this is one of the salient indicators of the body's ability to
function properly.
                Without excessive verbiage, I will attempt to summarize
our principal areas of interest.....and the general result of these
                Our principal interest lay in identifying ancillary
protocols offering promise in addressing slow/non-healing pressure
ulcers and surface wounds......especially in diabetics and the elderly.
We had enjoyed some rather marked success with hyperbaric-type 02
therapy, combined with topical CS X Dmso, etc., but were left frustrated
in some cases because one leg seemed to be "missing from the
milking-stool".  To wit:  The existing damage to the capillary system
continued to frustrate most attempts to address the in vivo side of the
equation.  Quite by serendipity, it occurred to our researcher that
employing a similar technique as some of the high-aerobic,
state-of-the-art physical development specialists were
employing.......might yield desireable results-----for our dilema.  The
theory being that EXERCISE simultaneously performed with the intake of
oxygen......might improve the health and/or facilitate a recovery of the
damaged capillary transfer function........ so prevalent among our
geriatric volunteers
                Hoping for a measureable improvement in getting more
oxygen through to the venous side using such a technique......we
introduced several variations of, essentially, the same program.  While
the most easily monitored....and administered.... was one involving
"high-end" components (with its exorbitant costs), we were nearly as
successful through using a simple variation (modification) of the little
artist's air brush 02 supply system plus either a Nose-type oxygen mask
or a non-rebreathing, full-face type.
                Briefly, the system consisted of the 02 bottle, together
with the two-stage welding regulators, plus the Oxygen mask (either
type) and storage balloon set at 8 to 10 psi.  Optionally, we employed a
hospital-type flow-limiting regulator (at 4 to 10 liters per minute
depending on the exercise level)........which did make things
easier......especially for initial setup parameters.
                We did not employ any synergistic components such as
vitamin/nutrient support or oxygen uptake accelerators......both of
which would, probably have improve our results.
                  Our protocol called for one hour daily or 30 minutes
twice daily,  of mild-level exercise (equivalent to rapid
walking)------- plus 5 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise for each 30
minutes total, added at the end, while  breathing 100 % pure 02.  Do
remember, breathing the oxygen MUST occur simultaneously with the
exercise regimen.   Recovery manifested among almost all volunteers,
within 30 days......these individuals enjoying complete tissue
granulation and attendant healing episodes......where before, NO
protocol introduced had proved totally successful (sometimes for periods
of two years).
                A majority of our results were VERY encouraging.  The
addition of this protocol effected powerful improvements among some of
the most intransigent cases of non-healing stress/pressure ulcers----and
especially so among the diabetic population.
                I apologize for the incompleteness of this post, but the
hour is late and I merely wanted to introduce you to the possible
consideration of this experimental protocol into your own researches.
                                    Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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