We got a distiller there and have found it good for the price and easy to clean 
and use.  The fan motor is grinding after only 3 months use and there is only a 
30 day warranty.   They will not even call back after the 30 days from 
purchase.  I have found that if I plug in the tank heater, place the 
fan/distilling mechanism on tip but do not plug it in and set a timer for 15 
minutes that the heat from the water apparently heats the fan motor bearings 
and it operates quietly when plug into the side of the distiller tank.  
Your pastor friend would need to be able to clean the unit of the concentrated 
water impurities after each distilling - I use vinegar in water and save the 
solution from use to use in a gallon jar until it gets murky, then pour the 
clear off the top until that also gets murky and then replace. I use a little 
soft scrubbie to finish the loosening and cleaning process, rinse 2 or 3 times 
and good to go for the next batch.  
You also need to find out the electric supply available as they can send a unit 
for 110 or 220 with the plug for the country you specify.  
I am overall pleased with our stainless steel exterior Love Distiller with the 
glass pitcher.  Hubby said stainless steel should hold up longer and better 
than any plastic.  They packed the glass pitcher inside the distiller boiler 
tank for shipping so it  made the trip well.  The factory box they shipped by 
UPS was a very flimsy double wall corrugated box which allowed damage to the 
side of our tank, but they quickly sent a replacement when I called and 
informed them of the damage.  
 I was also advised on this silver site to fill water tank to BELOW the fill 
line to prevent boiling water as well as steam from entering distiller coil, 
then to discard the first cup or so of distilled water due to chlorine and 
fluoride content, and also to stop the distillation process when there is still 
water in the tank to prevent the last steam from picking up the 
concentrated crud which you want left behind by the boiling/distillation 
process.  I pray your pastor friend will find health and healing through silver 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 10:51 PM


"Garnet_LDN" <>


Debbie Phelps wrote:
> We know a very poor pastor in the Ukraine who has Hep-C.  I would like to buy 
> him a generator, but then there's the question of what water is available to 
> use. He probably cannot buy good distilled water, so he will need his own 
> distiller.  What brand of distiller is good and reasonably priced?
> Thanks.
> Debbie

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