There are non so enslaved, as those who believe themselves to be free.




I do soooo agree Dick!  Even my friends who have had good results when I
more or less forced it on them to try, still will not do it properly.  The
*won't* take enough, and of course if it doesn't work straightaway because
they *haven't* taken enough; they then rush off to the docs for ABX's!  Ok
for if the dog is off its food, and one will now take it as a preventative
i.e  her husband had the 'flu jab and promptly got a stonking case of the
'flu.  She was so scared of getting it that she *did* take CS properly.  But
then, her husband said well, she may not have got it anyway!  What can you
do?  I had a huge row with her husband about it.  He has had the 'flu jab
three years on the go, and twice came down with a nasty virus, and this
third time, full blown 'flu!  He will still go and have the jab next year
though.  Plus he had all the ABX's even though they are no good whatsoever
for viruses, plus he had the Tamiflu as well!  I've decided I'm not
bothering any more with people that won't be helped.  I wouldn't mind, but
*he* told *me* that I should have an open mind!  Unbelievable!  dee



Sent: 03 December 2009 15:48
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #763