[Renee] Hi Nenah.  All magnets will leak a little from the opposite side
simply by virtue of how magnetic energy flows.  But when you use good strong
magnets the little of the opposite pole that leaks from the edges is not
enough to interfere with the main field.


XXX Dean Bonlie's mattress pad is so thick, that only the North Pole energy
from the magnets at the very bottom of the pad gets through. So his mattress
design compensates for the way magnetic energy naturally flows and truly
does omit South Pole energy.


Do I have permission to post your message about your problems with the duo
pole magnets?  I will leave your name off the post if you prefer.  I just
think it's a good thing for people to know what kind of problems can come up
with using duo-pole products.


XXX I guess you missed my prior response. Yes, you are welcome to use my
post, as long as you include JUST my name and tagline.


Oh--and Peter's information on magnets is pretty clear cut.  :-)  and no, I
have no financial interest in his products or information.  I just know a
person who figures her life was saved by the use of Peter's magnets and his
placement information, so I'm always plugging his stuff. 


XXX I'll check out Peter's book. Thanks for the tip.

